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Consultas médicas del miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015/265  ver consultas medicas actuales

»¿Ultimamente he estado viendot todo muy brillante. En mi escuela la mayor parte del tiempo estoy en la computadora.?

»¿Tengo problemas para vivir un dia mas.?
Vivo pensando que el dia siguiente me matare, ya no se cuando lo are. Pero veo mi fin cerca . No tengo futuro , mi presente apesta y mi pasado se descompone mientras se pudre. Si digo esto es por que me gustaría una opinión o unas palabras...

»¿Si uso gorro para dormir me puede salir caspa?
Doy 5 estrellas

»¿Cumplire 19 años mido 1.80 podre crecer mas?
El sabado cumplo 19 años mido 1.80 podre crecer mas

»¿Por qué luego de masturbarme siento que se me va toda la maldad?
Sucede que a veces tengo pensamientos malvados (no solo sexuales) y después de masturbarme siento que vuelvo a la normalidad (una persona integra y con valores). Soy hombre y mi edad está entre los 18 y 25. No quisiera que algún conocido leyera esto.

»¿disfuncion erectil?
Tengo un problema de disfuncion erectil me cuesta mucho tener o mantener una ereccion , si estoy con una mujer estoy pensando si voy a lograr una ereccion si voy a rendir en la cama en ese momento , me pongo nervioso atraves de todo eso y sin importar los juegos previos solo estoy pensando en eso lograr o mantener una ereccion  y al final obviamente todo eso me juega una mala pasada. Y A raíz de esto baja mi autoestima no tengo ganas de salir o socializar más un poco de estrés en el trabajo . A que clase de doctor debo ir medicina general o un psicólogo

»¿Sufro de depresion, pero cuando me siento trasnochado se me quita la depresion ?
Soy joven que sufre de depresion desde hace casi 1 año, no entiendo el origen de como llego a mi vida, tomo medicamentos homeopatas para la depresion y aun no veo resultados, quisiera saber el por que me siento normal cuando me trasnocho y depresivo despues de dormir bien, necesito que me ayuden por favor, muchas gracias.

»¿esencia de canela para la barba?
saludos quisiera saber si la esencia de canela sirve para hacer crecer la barba y si es asi como se aplica?

»¿tengo 12 años y tengo muchas canas alguien sabe porque?
Poco a poco me han salido más y ya es notorio me alimento sano y no tengo herencia de canas prematuras.espero q alguien me ayude,gracias.

»¿a que tiempo de embarazo te empiezab a doler los pechos?

»¿Me duele muchisimo la espalda porque hice mucha fuerzas hoy???? Que hago?

»¿cuanto cuesta los brackes en vzla.solo precio?

»¿Se puede relacionar el estado mental con el estado espiritual?

»¿Cuál es el valor de mercado de un antidepresivo como el escitalopram o similar en españa?

»¿Cuanto cuesta los brackets de lujo en venezuela.?
Quiero precios

»¿me puse la ampolleta el 31 de enero y ese misoi dia tube relasiones es probable en kedar embarazada o no ke metodo es mejor?

»¿masturbarse hace que te salga acne en la cara?

»¿tengo 14 años... casi 15, puedo ir al gym?

»¿Me pueden hacer un trasplante de cerebro?
hola quisiera saber si me puedo cambiar de cerebro ,ya que tengo un problema mental (psicosis) y quiero saber si se puede hacer trasplante cerebral, quiero que me pongan el cerebro de alguien sano, diganme se puede hacer eso, tengo 17 años.

»¿aclarar voces de audio?
Aclarar las voces del audio grabado

»¿Necesito un psicologo?
Soy celoso compulsivo, se que puedo confiar en mi novia y que no me fallara pero no soy capa de controlar tantos celos, si me podreis ayudar por email...

»¿Como subir la fiebre?? urge?
Últimamente tengo dolores de cabeza. También estoy mala del estómago; me duele, me dan mareos, me dan ganas de vomitar cada vez que como o bebo. Mi madre es de las madres de "hasta que no tengas fiebre, vas al instituto" Quiero quedarme en casa para relajarme, ya que me hacen bullying y me están dando ataques de ansiedad y quiero relajarme un poco en casa... No puedo coger yo el termómetro para ponerlo debajo de la lámpara así que necesito métodos para que me suba y poder quedarme Eviten insultos y no me llamen vaga o que le cuente a mi madre todo. Porque ella solo piensa que tengo un pequeño resfriado, no lo que paso en el instituto ni que me dan ataques. Gracias ?

»¿es normal? o es algo que preocuparme?
Caca con un poco de sangre, apenas, no me sucede generalmente solo cuando me lleva bastante hacer de vientre,tengo que destacar que cuando pasa esto es decir que tengo estreñimiento( n siempre me pasa) siento que me raspa no se si sera eso por sierto es normal que este estreñida por que estoy embarazada, muchas gracias de antemano

I'm really worried about my health after putting my great grandmother to rest Saturday...she had a blockage in her colon that caused her heart and kidneys to shut down, she refused a colonoscopy. I have always had issues going to the bathroom and I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy less than a year ago, my stomach was swollen due to stress and pollyps were removed. Every time I go I bleed and it hurts really bad, if I'm lucky I'll go 3 times a week but lately I have had to take numerous laxatives to go at all and when I do its very little. I'm on birth control and had my normal period 2 weeks later I started bleeding like a period again and I'm still bleeding and suppose to have my real period next week. Could constipation cause this to happen? I've never had issues before... My constipation has gotten so bad lately I'm nauseous everyday and will get bad back aches. I plan on seeing the doc but is there any advice on what I can do for now? I need relief fast

»How should i cope with my depression?
Im suffering from depression and i dont know what to do about it.I cant really talk to my parents, i tried but they just get angry at me and never listen. They say nothing will change and i need to find solutions to my problems myself. i cant really talk to any friends either cuz i dont really trust them

»Never fall asleep right after getting off of work late. I need some ideas On helping me go to sleep? yes I know it's silly question.?

»Pain in my left shoulder, heart, breast area. Lump in my nipple?
I'm a guy and I'm 15. I woke up after sleeping on my right side with a very sharp and painful feeling in my heart/breast area, later on I feel around my shoulder because that starts to hurt and I touch a part of my shoulder and there is just so much pain there. There has been a big lump in my nipple but only my left one. It hurts if I touch it but I didn't think it was a big deal. It just hurts so bad when I breath and I need to know if it's like a pulled muscle or something more serious. Should I go to the doctor or just sleep it off. I need help( by the way I do not smoke)

»I took two vitamins?
I got a bottle of those "One a day vitamins for teens" chewy things and I read the bottle and it said "Teens: take two vitamins daily." So, without thinking, I took two, at the same time! I read that you can get really ill if you take too many vitamins at once and now I'm starting to get an "upper" stomach ache. Am I getting sick from those vitamins or is it something else? And by two a day, does this mean one in the morning and one at night?

»What Causes Piles?

»Do CB-1 pills actually work?
I'm 17 years old and i weigh 100 pounds and as much as i eat i do not gain weight. My metabolism is as fast as people think. And idk why but i lose weight more than i gain it so that's always my problem. Or any advice on any thing that would work?

»What weight of water is displaced by a 100lb boat?

»Diet plan?
I'm a serious ballet dancer (I dance around 20 hours a week) and I'm not the healthiest eater... I want to change that about myself. I don't know too much about nutrition though so I don't really know where to begin. I need a simple diet plan. Also how many calories should I be consuming daily? I am 16, 112 lobs and 5'5. Thanks for the help!

»Getting ripped and leaned muscles is not an easy task ?
Muscle Rev Xtreme Getting ripped and leaned muscles is not an easy task these days. There are so many workouts or exercises that need to be done to reach your goals. Still with the workout sessions in the gyms, men have left with nothing in their hands because of lack of knowledge and expertise. Then, there is a need of getting started with the effective muscle building supplement. When you explore the market, there are lots of muscle building supplements available in the market. It is important to choose the supplement with the real and high quality ingredients.

»Penis size?
would any girl think that 8 inches is small? Ive never been with a girl so im a little nervous that when i do they will think im small. Serious answers only please!

»Medical Issues: Gurgling stomach for over 3 days, 24 hour flu like symptoms, missed period, and a hard bump near my upper belly button?
Hi guys, So I m feeling concerned because I have no idea what s going on with my body! I m planning a doctor s visit this weekend, but I m too anxious to wait. I went drinking with some friend on saturday, but I mixed drinks. I only had 2 PBR s and 2 Heineken s so it wasn t like I was drunk or anything. Mixing was a bad move on my part, so the following morning I woke up with very loose stools and my stomach kept grumbling and making these gurgling noises. That same day I started to get really sick; Fever, Chills, body aches, the whole nine yards! I took NyQuil Severe and I was fine the following morning, yet I still had the stomach issue. It s been over 3 days and my stomach is still an issue. My stool got back to normal only one time today and after I ate dinner it went back to being runny. I ve haven t gotten my period, and I m two days late. As I was examining myself, I found a hard small bump near my upper belly button, but you can only feel it if you press hard enough. I am going under a lot of stress right now as well. Any ideas as to what s going on? Thanks a lot!!

»Is it because of my birth control?
Been having really what's cramps in my stomach near both my hip bones at the same time . Feels alp onload like period cramps but much worse. Also after sex and/or masturbation I get cramps in my stomach . I do not have periods because of the birth control . Also my nipples hurt and are very tender. Can someone please help? Give me an idea of something ? ANYTHING.

»Multiple myeloma?
In this true case, I have a friend who has been diagnosed with a cancer called multiple myeloma. The treatment is to destroy his immune system and change one of his genes to allow his immune system to rebuild with a healthy and effective gene. The surgery is extensive, painful, and with only 50% chance of success. He's 73 years old. What do you think he should do? Justify your decision.

»How to cure bacne and acne on chest?

»How long will it take me to lose 60 pounds of weight if I eat 1300 calories a day and 30 minutes of exercise?
I Weigh 240 and i m 5 8.

»Is dentistry for me?
I want to be a dentist, specifically orthodontist. But of course i would pass the common procedures such as tooth extraction, root canals and others that deals with needles and blood. Im just scared of thi stuff, do you think im gonna get used to this too? So that makes me wonder if dentistry really is for me.. I want a good profession, stable job and i like to have encounter direct patient service.. and another, if im an orthodontist would i stillb be involved in general dentistry or would it be up to me whether i would accept such patients? thanks

»Pancreas or Gallbladder pain?
How do I know which one it is? I don't want my gallbladder taken out if it is the pancreas. How do I know the difference?

»The loved ones movie (2009) (medical question)?
Okay, so this is an extremely weird question involving a horror movie I watche. I watched this movie called "The Loved Ones" it's a disturbing movie, and there a lot of torture scenes. But in the movie they inject something into the victims throat and it causes him to not have the use of his vocal cords or it dose something to his larinx. I was so confused. Is this even possible to destroy someones vocal cords like that, and if so how the hell dose that even work?

»Sciatica pain?
So for months now I've been experiencing a really sharp pain that shoots down my leg, at first I had very little lower back pain but the skin on my thigh was almost completely numb. Like an idiot I ignored it and eventually the numbness turned into tingling that traveled down my leg and into the outer portion of my foot. I've been to a chiropractor but he was causing me more pain so I stopped going. I didn't have insurance so he didn't want to take xrays, and after asking me some questions he came to the conclusion that I MIGHT have a herniated disc, he proceeded to twist and pop my back for about 2 months that ended up causing me a lot of pain, which eventually led me to the hospital where they took xrays and said they couldn't find the reason for the pain. So ive been experiencing this leg and back pain for a while and the only thing that soothes it is anti inflammatories. Do you know of any other way I can relieve this pain and possibly loosen the stiffness? As of now I can barely lift it without feeling pain and tightness shooting to my lower back.

»Why is my Menstrual Cycle late?

»Is it unhealthy to suppress sexual urges?
I have an extremely high sex drive, due to the fact that I am still 19 years old. My boyfriend is 26, so his has died down considerably. Besides that, he is not as sexual as I am.. masturbation satisfies him enough that he's happy enough to have sex once or twice a week. I, on the other hand, crave sex everyday, and am incredibly frustrated because masturbating doesn't really help me relieve any sort of urges. Is it unhealthy for me to ignore my sexual instincts? Or is constantly being sexually frustrated okay

»Will HSV cause or leads to HPV infections like warts or cervical cancer?

»Can i take niacin and 5 htp together?

»Genetic treatment?
As a medical geneticist, you are confronted with a case where a person with Huntington's disease has been treated with a genetic treatment. After a few month of apparent success, the genetic treatment stops working. What should you do?

»Is xanax for a short period ok??
Ok so my doctor just prescribed me with ten xanax which hopefully I won t need to take all of them, but it s just to get my anixety settled for now. I had a terrible flare up of anxiety this weekend right before I got my period, the worst it s ever been and so when I went to see the doctor he gave me this Xanax just to even out of anxiety levels and get me back to normal. I m really scared about getting addicted or the withdrawal symptoms... hopefully I won t need to take it more than the next week or every now and then when i have really bad anxiety. And i m going to start behavioral therapy and SSRIs soon. Is it still possible for Xanax to be harmful if only used occasionally during a bar period of anxiety???

»Is it OK if I take a night time head-ache pill 30 minutes after a glass of milk?

»Why people suffer from ringing in the ears?

»Help, white spots on finger nails?
For some time now and as long as I can remember I have had white spots on my finger nails. They are not because of any injury or hit on my nails cause I have had them for years. A friend of mine told me I am malnourished and deficient on vitamins and told me to take centrum multivitamin. I feel healthy and I m 23years old. Instead of multivitamin, would an increase intake of fruits and vegetables balance my deficiency ?

I want to know a bit about being dehydrated but whenever I Google it, it just just tells me what dehydration is and that's not what I want to know,okay 1) can dehydration cause faiting? 2) if so how long do you have to be dehydrated to faint? 3) how long does it take to become dehydrated? I'm 14 female

»Ringing in the ear tittinis suffering?

»I had myoma suregery and sterlisation also on18th dec 2014 i get periods on 1st jan 2015 after i have no periods yet whymy age 37?

»I told my mum I want to eat healthy but she's not taking is seriously?
I told her: " I want to have good food in my lunchbox not oreos or chips " And she responded " Ok ill blow air into your lunchbox " -_-" I just want to eat healthy !! :( Why is she doing this to me?

»Help, I need mastubation advice?
I'm 15 and I've been using the back of a sharpie to masturbate but it's not doing anything for me and it doesn't feel good, but it doesn't hurt either. How do I make it feel good. And rubbing my clit doesn't do anything for me either if you can help

»I just started birth control last week, would it be safe if I used it for years?

»Why is my thumb numb?
So I play the snare drum in marching band and during percussion today I was holding my drumstick and I all of a sudden got a sharp pain in between my index finger and thumb, where you hold the stick. I had to keep playing though and after class I noticed that my thumb is all tingly and I can barely feel it when I touch it. I thought it would stop after an hour or so but it has been almost 8 hours. What would be the cause of this? Is there anything I can do to fix it, thanks for the help!

»Please answer asap!?
I'm 15 and I've been smoking cigarettes for four years ( Yes I know it's bad ) , the past 2 years I've been smoking quite a lot maybe 15 a day , I've had a seriously outrageous cough the past 7 months phleghem has come up in brown , and sometimes red , and in great amounts (Eww I know) tonight , I had a bad cough and a good mouthful came up black ! I'm worried now , and cancer is in our family , Im also seeing a cardiologist for my heart , please help should I tell my mum or ?

»Want to lose weight?
ok so i'm not really proud of myself. i'm 13 and around 5"3 and I weigh about 140 pounds. i used to be skinnier last year but i ended up gaining weight. so can you help me with these questions? i need to remind myself to push all the junk food away even though I rarely eat it. but when I crave it, how do I resist the urge? how any water bottles a day should I drink? and as for exercise, I'm thinking about running from school to my house every day. it usually takes half an hour to get to my house from school walking. what are some foods to stay away from? what can I eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? and lastly, if I do this how long before I lose a good 15-20 pounds?

»I've been bullied all my life, i had no self worth as a young child and did some horrible things, help?
The things I've done in the past has led me to being this person, i call myself a 'fake individual', i was once the person i always wanted to be, now I'm lost, scared what people think, and people look at me strange in the streets. When i was about 12 i molested the dog, i didn't think anything of it, at about 16 i got a carrot and stuck into my anus whilst i masturbated, theres other terrible things that I've done but can't remember, i don't know why i did these things, but i know i had really low self esteem, from all the bullying as a kid. I need help, i'm going to see a phycologist soon, but i think I've severely ****** myself, I'm scarred as a person and i have no friends. At 17, I'm scared, lonely, have no friends and everyone gives me the strangest looks at school, Im fuckedd :( Help please.

»How to heal scabs on nipples?
So my boyfriend got a little rough sucking and biting on my nipples resulting in scabs. How do I heal them? And does this mean my nipples are going to be scarred?! Usually some type of mark is left where a scab was due to broken skin :-/

»Is a seizure a sign of cancer?

»Flat *** help?
Not trying to be nasty or anything but how do you get a big *** like I'm a boy with a flat *** I know it wrong but I need to have a *** to where jeans help plz

»I need a new vice?
Im not used to asking for advice... A year ago I would have never even considered yahoo for any life advice, but it seems appropriate at this point. Im still living with my parents (at a young enough age to do so) and I've been moving from vice to vice trying to find something that lets me decompress at the end of the day. I've smoked weed and cigaretts, drank, done chewing tobacco, and vaped. (Alright alright i get the ******-y connotations that go with vaping at my age but I was desperate) I take advanced classes, my workload is definitely a considerable size every night. I had to give up track and field for my homework. It was something I halfheartedly wanted to do, but I was fine with it. I've been told I have an addictive personality, and it seems like only now that I have no outlet that I can see that about myself. Anyway, I need suggestions for a new vice. My mod is gone, my parents took it last week. I don't have enough friends to go to parties, and my only one good friend is leaving for the coast guard very soon. I still do drugs sometimes, but its starting to feel like its not enough. You can probably imagine that life feels like **** right now. Its all just starting to close in on me, I have had a history with depression. (Which, coincidentally ended when I took up smoking) I'm just asking for a way to let off steam at the end of the day because I've run out of ideas. Full disclosure, I enjoy drugs. Any suggestions

»Lower back pain please help!!!?
Okay so I went to the doctor today (February 3rd) and they told me I pulled a muscle or strained it but it hurts a lot so my lower back is hurting on my left side just above my hip and the pain is really bad (like you know when you have pain that's really bad you want to throw up ya that's how I feel) and it's going down the side of my thigh and to my mid upper back in the center. It hurts when I walk and put weight on it when I move it and bend over. It also hurts when I sit up for to long and if I do I can hardley breathe. Btw I'm 14 and I'm a cheerleader and a dancer. (I'm not doing dance rn because of my lower back pain but I have to do cheer because I have a competition this weekend and I have to do it.)

»What causes line, spots and floaters in one eye only?

»How much weight can you lose using a Jump Rope?
I'm planning on starting a new diet and start using a jump rope, So how many calories can you burn using a jump for, just for an estimate, twenty minutes? And if you have any vegetables/fruit smoothie ideas that I can make in a blender, Please state those too.

»Tendonitis in wrist?
I was in a golf match and hit behind the ball hard and hit a tree root. I had a lot of pain but sucked it up and finished the season. I then went to the doctor and was told it was tendonitis. It has been 5 MONTHS SINCE I HURT IT and I still can't pick a school book off of the ground without it hurting or swing a club. Anything else that could be going on? I've been wearing a wrist splint and taking anti inflammatories. Im going back Friday to the doctor and if he says tendonitis I'm going to hit him. Lol

»How do I fix my eating disorder?
For about a year, I have been in a vicious cycle of binging/purging and fasting. My weight has gone from a healthy BMI, a little over 18.5 to 16.8. I want to be able to eat healthy and maintain my weight, but no matter how hard I try I can't. I try to fast for days, but when someone offers me food I have to say yes or else they'll get suspicious. And once I eat just one thing it leads to a binge, and I always purge after a binge. Sometimes it happens multiple times in a day. But usually I just totally avoid food altogether because it frustrates me. I haven't gotten my period and my hair is coming out in chunks but somehow I still look normal-ish. I hate what I've become and I want to be able to stop binging. How do I stop? I'm to embarrassed to seek real help obviously because I cannot deal with the shame of anyone finding out. If anyone found out I'd probably never leave the house again. I want to be able to get through this on my own, but I don't know where to begin.

»If water from the sink splashes on my arms when I'm rinsing my hands after I wash them can I catch anything if my arms touch my my mouth?
Sometimes when I'm rinsing my hands water from the sink I see beads of water from the sing splash on my arms. Can I catch anything from that if my arms touch my mouth or if my hands touch my arms then my mouth?

»If i split a ciggarette with someone that has herpes will i get it?
Idk if herpes can spread on an object like that but i wanna know. I'm pretty sure i gave him a short instead of splitting it with him but just incase i wanna be sure. Also if i took one hit off of a cigg he's smoked and that's all is there any possiblity? I don't mean to offend anyone i just gotta ask, ya know.

»I am mistaking written words for other written words, Is this something or normal?
At work I've been having great difficulty as of late. I was supposed to send them A, and instead i sent them B. When it came back, i realized the mistake but then i sent them C, mistaking it for A. Then i got in real trouble. This has been happening more frequently and i don't know how to fight it.

»I want to ask how much my graduity pay if my basic salary is 1400. i worked 2 year and 9 month. thank you?

»Do professional athletes use fat burners?

»Vaginal Lightening?
Before someone starts saying that 'I'm perfect the way I am, or that a man will love me no matter what', this has nothing to do with either. I don't care what a man thinks of me. I don't wear makeup to impress guys, I do it to feel confident. I simply want to know how to lighten SPECIFICALLY the labia minora. I read that you could put lime juice and yogurt, or tumeric, lime, and yogurt. Can I put that SPECIFICALLY on my labia minora, or will that make it worse.?

»White Mucus in Tooth Extraction Site?
Basically, had a tooth pulled yesterday morning. Its about 36 hours later now. I have general soreness, but not at all bad. But (theres a picture but idk if it'll show) there's white looking mucus in the hole now? I didn't smoke until 24 hours later, as the dentist told me.. And I don't think the clot disintegrated, so I'm not sure what to take. I do see the dentist again tomorrow afternoon, but what is it, and how should I deal with it? I've salt water rinsed a few times, but haven't brushed (not sure if I'm supposed to). But all in all, what does the process of healing look like? What should I expect and see?

»I hurt my back and now my legs are weak and weird?!?
I hurt my lower back about six months ago and it had hurt a lot but the pain went away mostly after about two months. The pain has come back though recently and I'm now on medicine for it but I have a few new symptoms. My legs feel like noodles is the best way I can put it. They feel weak and wobbly so I have to put extra effort into lifting my legs off the ground and not colapsing when I stand. Also I have had weird tingly feelings in both my legs and they go numb from the knee down sometimes. Lastly, and this is the weirdest one, at least once or twice a day, I'll feel what I can only describe as lukewarm water trickling down my legs even though they are completely dry. I don't know if this has to do with me hurting my lower back, as I know that there are a lot of nerves there that deal with the legs, or what but I'm not sure what to do. Am I losing function in my legs? Is it maybe the medicine? Should I go to a doctor? Please help me out here.

»How can a thirteen year old girl lose weight?
Hi so I'm a little on the chubbier side, I have extra fat on my thighs and stomach and I was wondering how I can lose weight relatively quickly? I'm not extremely chubby but my diet is really poor and I'd just like to make some changes to my diet and my body so I can feel confident (:

»Fdsafd af dsa dsad?

»How to stop/prevent panic attacks?
Recently I got put into an online school. I thought that being put into an online school would help, considering the only "panic attacks" I've had were in school, but sitting there all day really doesn't help. It feels like it's getting worse. It sucks because I wanted to join my community theatre but now I'm too scared to. Its like the more I focus on trying to breathe, even when i'm not having trouble breathing, I feel like i'm going to have a panic attack, or I actually do. Any ideas or ways to stop them? I've seen a doctor but they recommended me to a therapist before they put me on anything. But I'd rather not take pills all the time.

»Will I pass this drug test? Please help?
Okay so I have an interview tomorrow and I doubt they'll test me tomorrow but probably sometime this week. I smoked pot on the 24th of January. I only smoked once and I didn't inhale the first few hits because I don't smoke often and I forgot lol. But I did inhale about three times. This is the only time I've smoked in 6 months. What are my chances of passing? I know it's rough for anyone to really tell me, but I just wanted input and maybe some opinions from experience. Thank you!

»¿te pyedes quedar embarazada cuando lo haces con la regla?
Aver ayer lo hize con mi chico, usamos condon y se corrio con el pero a la hora de yo levantarme se me quedo dentro el condon y cuando lo saco no habia nada dentro es mas se me cayo todo por la piernas, yo estaba con la regla, hoy se supine que ya no sangro mas, que hago? Voy a por la pildora del dia despues?

»¿el isdiben (isotretinoina) produce calvicie?
Tengo 16 años y llevo tomándolo 2 meses. Recientemente me di cuenta de que estoy clareando por la coronilla y bueno estoy asustdillo porque en mi familia no hay ninguna persona calva ni que clare. No me toca dermatologo hasta marzo

»¿quiero quedar inconsiente como lo logro?
es mi cuerpo y decido sobre el, se que es mortal pero es un gran deseo que tengo PD: respondan lo que pregunto

»¿Puedo estar embarazada?
Buenos días. El día 20 de enero fue mi última regla. Dejé de tomar pastillas anticonceptivas hace 5 días de los cuales cuadraban con mi período fértil. Mantuve relaciones sin protección. Tengo 26 años y estamos buscando otro bebé. Las pastillas son de 0.1 levonorgestrel y 0.02 etinilestradiol. Tengo dolores como si fueran previos a la regla, cosa que es extraña en mi porque no dan molestias. Hay probabilidad de embarazo o puede ser sugestión?

»¿retin a para el acne?
hola, mi dermatologa me receto retin a 0.025% para los granos de la cara. ami me parece muy poco el de 0.025%, alguno de ustedes a usado retin a o algun otro medicamneto que contenga tretrinoina? un saludo

»¿Estare Embarazada ??
Hola Chicas ! Tengo una duda en cuanto a embarazo, durante el mes yo tuve relaciones con mi novio sin protección ( no se vino adentro ) pero de igual manera se que hay posibilidades de embarazo, tuve relaciones mi día fertil pero tome la pastilla de el día despues.. La menstruacion me tenía que venir (3 Jan) y el (El 1 Jan ) un día antes tuve un leve sangrado y mucho flujo pensé que era la menstruacion pero los días( 2 y 3 jan ) no sangre nada ?????? Hoy 4 de enero tengo dolor de vientre / inflamación, dolor de piernas, sensibilidad en los pezones como si me fuera a venir pero no sangro nada !!!!!! Será que estoy embarazada ? AYUDA!!!!

»¿Quien a vivido la depresion al recien egresar de lic y no encontrar trabajo?
¿Quien a vivido la depresion de recien egresar de lic y no encontrar trabajo? Es normal en estos tiempos o es algo que siempre sucede a la mayoria? Algunos tips o recomendaciones? En mi caso me resulta dificil ya que todos me piden titulo y cedula por ser area de salud y sin ellos dificil consigues algo, de pasar a tener muchas consultas a ser nini no me adapto, creo que asta me pego la depresion y lo peor del caso ya asta me encerre en casa, casi nula actividad social y peor el caso siento perdida de objetivo laborar, ya asta algunas veces e pensado meterme a trabajar en fabrica porque creo que es la opcion mas facil (aunque para ello maquille el CV para que me den oportunidad) ya que pienso que en Mexico los trabajos en area de salud de momento estan muy mal valorados desde que son muchas horas de trabajo por muy poco sueldo, casi que algunas veces llega al de un obrero y la otra que muchas veces te ven cara de vendedor exigendote recomendar o vender productos a los pacientes, en lo que muchos profesionales caen porque necesitan trabajar no por gusto.... Ustedes que opininan?

»¿Ganglio linfático nuez de adan ( Médicos )?
Me noto un bulto debajo del mentón, justo encima de la nuez de adan, si lo palpo se mueve de un lado a otro con mucha facilidad, como una bola, calculo que medirá aproximadamente 1,2 CM no me duele, aunque cuando me pongo malo, por ejemplo tuve hace poco problemas de tos y garganta, en ese momento si que duele al estirar el cuello, duele en la zona del ganglio, es único y no noto ninguno más en el cuello, lleva como 1 mes así, me lo noté de casualidad afeitándome, capaz lleva ahí más tiempo y nunca me enteré. ¿Qué podría ser? Tengo una muela destrozada que me ha estado dando mucho problema también, pero supuestamente una muela superior no puede inflamar este ganglio porque inflamaría el más cercano no? saludos

»¿tengo colesterol?
Hola bueno tengo 17 años y tengo el colesterol a 199,eso es malo o bueno?

»¿Que me puede pasar, alguna solucion o consejo?
Por que cuando me estoy besando con mi novia puedo llegar a tener erecciones fuertes pero cuando fui a su casa y lo ibamos a hacer no se me levantaba? Estaba nervioso en ese momento y tambien estresado. Pero ahora solo un poco agobiado con los examenes. A veces me esta excitando mucho y tengo una ereccion pero cuando me intenta meter la mano por dentro se me baja por completo. ¿Hay alguna manera de hacer que no se baje? Tengo miedo a que meta la mano y no tenga una buena ereccion porque mi pene mide 15cm en ereccion pero en estado flacido es pequeño. Tengo 19 años. Qué hago? Como consigo excitarme bien sin que se me baje cuando me toca? Deberia ser justo al reves!! Estoy desesperado.

»¿Los guisantes engordan?

»¿estoy bien asi?
Soy una mujer de 1m 70cm y peso 56kg y mis medidas son 84-70-100 me gustaria saber si estas medidas son demasiado para mi. Gracias

»When i push down on my under my eye i feel slight pain does that mean a black eye is forming?
I see a bit of darkening but I do stay up late, and when I push down on my eye around my nose and my cheek bone I feel slight pain, is there a chance this could be a black eye

»Red wine for health.?
I read that red wine is good for your health. I currently drink a couple of bottles a night and have been doing so for four to five years. Trouble is, i often dry heave in the morning and have no appatite. could this be a virus or am I doing something wrong? Very troubled. thanks!

»Have you ever pulled out your own molar?
I know people who have due to the expense of a dentist. Is this safe?

»Over the counter to treat bronchitis? I have no mucus or anything, just dry coughs mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep.?

»Why do I type certain words wrong even when I think of them correctly?
For instance, if I am to type 'let me know about it', I, sometimes, type 'tell me know..'. I have noticed myself making such mistakes with other words- use of 'pick' instead of 'keep' and use of of 'who' instead of 'you'. Also, I tend to forget to type certain words or change their order.

»Help me get rid of my zit!?
I know I know this is the dumbest question but. I'm going to a valentines day party Saturday, and I have this huge,red, bad zit I can't get rid of, and it's embarrassing so I want it gone. Do you have any home remidies that work reallly good that are easy? If so please let me know. Thanks sorry for a dumb question :P

»Is my bulge honestly too noticeable, don't wanna make other uncomfortable?
From some time ago but I was told my bulge is usually too noticeable, check out this vid, I even feel like my friend purposely zoomed in on it really too noticeable? Disturbing? I don't do it on purpose, it just naturally shows

»My insurance will cover the cost of the treatment of the cost of all of the cost dealing with me getting the injectable steroid shots?

»Does you're anterior chamber grow?
I'm 17 but I'm 18 tomorrow and I was wondering if you're anterior chamber grows more shallow because I'm planning to get the ICL lens in my 20s but I was told today that I was that you've got to be 2.8 to get it done but the good news is that I'm not far off because I'm a 2.6 but I need to wait until my anterior chamber grows larger so I can get the ICL operation but is this true.

»Is my ankle fractured or sprained?
I heard a cracking sound when my ankle got hurt, and it hurts when i move my foot sideways. It is also swollen, and hurts a bit when I walk. It doesn't hurt when I stand with one leg though (the one with the injured ankle). I refused to go to the doctor because I thought it was a sprained ankle, but I heard from my friend that if I hear a cracking sound it means I fractured my ankle. So I don't know whether I have to go see the doctor or not. (Sorry for the bad english)

»Help! Losing weight?
If I water fast for a week will i look noticeably skinny. And will be able to drink black tea? Without any sugar or milk ? (And please do not tell me this isn't a good idea thanks)

»Are my periods normal?
I've been tracking them for about a year, they've been practically the same. With a max of 26 days and the shortest like 22 I think, they all last from 4-6 days. Maybe 7 once or twice. Tolerable cramps, headaches (sometimes), food cravings come along usually. Also REALLY bad mood swings. They're usually slightly heavy. It feels like it, but I only have to change my pad about 2 or 3 times a day. Is this all normal?

»Foods to eat while working out?
I have to weight that I want to lose, so I'm going to start going to the local gym. I know I won't reach my goal when I'm eating the same junk food. So what are some healthy foods that'll help me lose weight? (Besides salad)

»Why does my big toe hurt when I press on it? it won't go away?
On both of my toes it hurts a little, not much when I press on the side. Is it because I clipped the toenail to short or what? I'm worried

»What works better for you??? Suboxone or Methadone?

»Do my legs look fat?
Do they if they do please be honest

»Is it ok to give my DL to dentist?

»How can I ask my doc a second time to put me on a certain medication?
I was to see my allergist in dec and she said that she did not need to see me anymore as I have a pulm as well and she said she wanted me on singular, my allergist said I should be on it cause I get asthma attacks to smoke ad scented stuff and dust and thought that the singular would help and she also said that my pulm can give it to me, so next time I saw my pulm I told her that my allergist said I should go on singular and I thought it would be no prob as my pulm used to work with my allergist and actually interviewed her for the job. well like I said I told my pulm about the singular and told her that my allergist said I should be on it to help reduce my attacks to certain triggers, and she asked me if I was still having asthma attacks to smoke and scented stuff and I said yes and she said how much in last few months and I said a few attacks and she said ok, she was like a few attacks to those triggers is ok, the she was like I want u to have many more attacks to it before I put u on singular and I never got it, she more or less wants me to get worse before she will give me the singular so I need to ask her again for it but I am not sure how since she said no the frist time. this is the same doc that when my advair was not working also refused to change that, I kept having problems and had inflamed bronchial tubes and my pulm would still not change my inhaler for me so I contacted my fam doc and he was nice enough to give me another inhaler. so my fam doc is doing more for me then my pulm is. I did not want to see my pulm at all again but I asked my fam doc about it and he said to still see her so I have to go and see her next week. I also have to find a way to tell her that I got on a new inhaler I do not want to tell her as I do not want to make her mad. how do I ask for it again knowing she said no the first time? and how do I tell her that I am now on a new inhaler without making her mad?

»Is my ankle fractured or sprained?
I heard a cracking sound while my ankle got hurt, and it hurts when i move it side to side. It is also swollen, and hurts a bit when I walk. It doesn't hurt when I stand with one leg though (the one with the injured ankle)

»Why can I pop my left ankle and left wrist and not my light ankle and right wrist? Is there something wrong?

»I can't find motivation anymore and im scared?
Im 15 and a freshman in highschool, in the beginning I loved it and went to all the games and actually loved going to school. I never missed a day and I had motivation to keep trying. Late November I had the flu, then I got surgery in December and not shortly after that I had a sinus infection. After going back to school in January I found myself scared I wouldn't feel good in school so I skipped as much as I could. I kindve got over that irrational fear but recently I feel trapped. I don't enjoy going to school anymore, I hate it. In the morning I feel sick and force myself to eat just so I have enough energy for the day. When im there I feel confined and sad and just so lost. I go home and barely get all my work done. I stay home entirely too much but I can't help it I hate going. I have 21 abcenses, I stayed home today making it 21. I want to kill myself at this point I hate my life and I know it'll get better and I won't be a 15 year old freshman forever but at this point in my life it's so hard to deal. how do I get my motivation back? and want to go to school? im probably going to lose credit soon and then I'll kill myself for sure. why don't I like going to school I get decent grades I just don't get it I wish I could go back to the beginning of the year when I never missed a day

»I had cosmetic work on my front teeth. He removed decay and place cap.I get sharp pain when i bite.twice he has sanded downno help whatnow?

»Should I stitch?
I had dog bite above upper lip on friday . I visited dr . as soon as possible. He suggested not to stitch because of chances of iinfection . so he gave me antibiotics , for a week. I then visited a plastic surgeonon Wednesday. He too said ,' since there is chances of infection , u better have antibiotics for week. We will then stitch it.' & My question is it is safe to stitch? Or should I let it heal on its own? What are the possibilities of scars?

»Please answer my belly fat question?
I plan to eat enough to keep me alive (as much as my body naturally burns) and do cardio 3-4 times a week. I also plan to do the squat challenge and plank every day while also hula hooping an hour daily. Is it possible for me to lose these last one or two inches from my stomach by the end of February- first week of March?

»All of my friends go clubbing and i cant?
Im 18 and allergic to alchol. im so jelous of my friends who go clubbing i can never go because of severe allergies. how can i get over this, im getting really depressed

»URGENT! Females only?
I'm on my bus and it will take an hour until it stops. My period is about to start and I don't want my pants to be stained because I don't have a pad on. what should I do??

»How big is a scoop of c4 pre workout?
I opened my first can of c4 30 servings to find no scoop. I figured it was small so I dug around and it's not in there. Can someone tell me how many tablespoons or teaspoons 1 scoop is because I don't have a scale for it. Thanks in advance

»Irritable bowel syndrome help?
I have irritable bowel syndrome, but im not quite sure what causes it. Ive recently started to keep a journal of the foods i eat (i eat alot of chinese food since im asian), but i pretty much get bloated everyday regardless, especially during night and during the mornings. I think it might also be from anxiety, i do feel anxious since sometimes the urgency to go comes up really quickly and randomly. If it is anxiety, what are my options? thanks guys

»How to lose my belly fat while working?
I'm a 20 year old male. And I have a mini belly fat. My belly fat is actually at my lower abdominal part, and I thought it isn't very visible, but according to my colleagues, its indeed very visible. So since its my semester break, I'm working at a call center, so I can't move out of my desk any time I want from 9am-6pm, so all I can do is jog for at least 1 hour at a park near my office. Currently my diet is Breakfast - eat normal breakfast food, lunch - apple/pear/fruits etc., dinner - very less food or sometimes no food. Is there any other ideas? Cause in exactly 1 month I'll be going to Australia for 2 weeks. I wish to lose my belly fat within a month. I know its impossible to lose all of it, but at least make it less-visible belly. Any ideas? Thanks~

»No Sleep Wide awake?
i haven't had sleep in the past 36 hours and i tried to get some sleep last night and i laid in bed for 6 hours straight just lying there doing nothing not tired at all and got up out of bed at 7am and im still wide awake and not tired, i dont get it 36 hours of no sleep and im not tired, is something wrong. i did just get over a flu so you would think i would be super tired.

»Did my dr perform an unnecessary service?
I visited the eye dr for the first time the other day, and upon determining that I had better than 20/20 vision, she hooked me up to a machine to check if I needed a prescription for eyeglasses. my insurance didn't cover and I owed $40 out of pocket. was this completely unnecessary? if so, to whom can I complain? fyi I did mention something to the receptionist to which I got a non-answer. "that's the point of an eye exam, to see if you need glasses". "but I didn't come for glasses, I came to make sure the medication I was taking wasn't making me go blind." ..... medicine is all about the effing money.

»Getting my blood taken for the first time...?
I'm not too good with needles. I have quite a few piercings (ears ,cheeks ,lip and tongue web) but the thought of a needle piercing my vein makes me a little anxious. I was just wondering if anyone has any useful tips on how to calm down? And if you could rate the pain from 1 to 10 ,1 being not painful at all and 10 being extremely painful - I'd really appreciate that. Thank you.

»Is it normal to eat a lot more if you excercise everyday?

»Do I have the flu or is it nothing please answer?
i've had flu symptoms ever since Monday i had a sore throat, trouble swallowing, coughing and sneezing, chills, sudden tiredness, and body aches. yesterday I had a fever of 102.6 pushing 103. my fever broke at like 2:00 AM but I still feel kind of sick. my temperature is now 99.6 but can the flu symptoms come back? and I didn't get the flu shot. will the symptoms and fever come back possibly?

»I took my braces off myself b/c I felt ugly and embarassed to have them on & it gave me a lisp?!?
I want straight teeth though. They're all straight except for 2 teeth. They look ok straight on, but 1 tooth looks bad from 1 angle when you look at it from the top. And my orthodontist shaved between my front bottom teeth and they look narrower than before and they don't match my other teeth now. Idk whyyyyyyyyyyy they did that. I HATE them now!!! The whole teeth thing is so embarassing. Her shaving them, me taking them off. There's still glue on my teeth and I didn't want to go back to my orthodontist to tell her I took them off & for her to get the glue off. So when I went to my dentist, I told her I took my braces off myself, b/c obviously they're not straight all the way. Then she was asking if I wanted her to smooth things over w/my orthodontist and for me to go back to finish my treatment. I said no. But I'm thinking about calling myself and just saying I want them back on. I feel like such a jacka* * b/c it's almost been a year & they've still been trying to contact me. Like oh now I call them. Idk why they've even been trying to call me this often. I thought they'd call once and that'd be it. They've been calling since last spring. But I still feel the same as before, ugly w/them on and having an a lisp and feeling like a little kid. They're so dam * ugly!!! And I don't want to tell her that's one of the reasons why I took them off, b/c that's kind of offensive "you make people look like nerds!!". How do I feel good about having them on, in the moment? Thinking about the future and how my teeth will be straight doesn't help. Uhh the same way orthodontists take them off. Someone taking their braces off is why you've lost faith in humanity? lolllllll. not terrorists? not back stabbers? not a s s holes? just someone who took their braces off? wtf is wrong with you? You didn't answer my main question before that douche bag hacked it. I loterally don't give a crap of that random person lost faith in humanity or why. Who what when where why? Shut up and answer my question.

»Random cut on my lips. ..?
I woke up with a sort of bruise/cut inside my bottom lip. It hurts when I run my tongue along it or eat food with spices. What could this be?

»Why does one's face become puffy and bloated after crying?

»How long does seasonal affective disorder last?
Does it last my whole life? Its scaring me to the point of suicide.

»Will my anterior chamber grow larger.?
So I'm planning to get ICL lens in my 20s I was going to get it done now but I got told my anterior chamber is to shallow and that I had to wait 3-4 years so my anterior chamber can grow. I was told that my you had to be at least 2.8 to get it done and I'm a 2.6 which is not far off and I'm 17 but I'm 18 tomorrow so is my eye still developing. (Please no stupid comments)

»What do they do at a physical?
I applied for a job I've had the interview and a drug test. The job has to do with a bunch of labor, I have to have a physical what are they gonna make me do? They said to wear shorts or loose pants and sleeveless shirt.

»What do you do if you keep sleep walking?And end up attacking yourself & self harming?

»What is my body type Mesomorph or endomorph?
My Measurements for my waist is 26, chest 31, and shoulders 36. I am 5'5 but I lose weight very easily like if I don't eat enough, I will lose it fast. I have long arms with a medium neck, I weigh 130 and I don't excerise. I only eat nothing but junk food all day. I also have a belly that is kind of fat. I tried measuring my wrist it was 5'5 inches. Please tell me what is my body type.

»I sprained my ankle almost three weeks ago but it still hurts to bear weight?
A week and a half ago I misstepped at the bottom of a flight of stairs and landed with my weight on the outside of my left ankle. It hurt a surprising amount, probably because I sprained the same ankle almost a year ago and it was already unstable. I've been unable to bear weight so I've been using crutches for the past few weeks. I'm concerned because when I sprained my ankle last year I only needed to use crutches for one week and the pain died down another week later. I also went to a doctor which proved to be unneccessary other than acquiring the crutches. But this time I'm not sure when I'll be able to move my ankle properly and I'm slightly worried I might've done worse than sprain it. I'm also not sure if this might be normal for a second-time sprain. I don't want to go through the hassle of a useful doctor visit and treatment I can do on my own it's still just a sprain that will heal pretty soon --is it worth it to have it checked out anyway?

»Menstrual or Pregnancy?
OkAy Ladies, I am suppose to start my period anytime this week. My cycle is 28 days my last period was on January 10th. So I still have a few days to start but here is what concerns me. Normally before my period I get a few headaches just don't feel real good. But this time yesterday an today I took my husband to work an thought I was going to puke all over myself I even pulled over, my **** hurt extremely bad. An I been having a insane amount of gas along with a lot of cramps in abdomen. My stomach will hurt through out the day feels like hunger cramps an like nausea . so what so yall think sould be going on? I am already a mother of two don't ever remember things going like this

»Swelling on inside of nose after years of having nose piercing?
Hi! I'm in so much pain right now! I've had a nose piercing for the past 7 years and no problems, however since last night it's become swollen and very painful from the inside, I don't know what to do! And it looks fine on the outside

»What can i do to get rid of the numbness in my thumb ?

I've been on birth control for about a month and a half now (Yaz) and I'm really good at taking it when I'm supposed to. I did start the pack this month a day late though due to the weather making me unable to get to the pharmacy but I took two the next day. I've had sex but with a condom too and I don't think there was any complications with them. For the past few days I've been gassy when I wake up in the morning and just feel weird but seems to go away during the day as I stop thinking about it and am busy with other things. I've had discharge-usually light pink- but I think that's just breakthrough bleeding. I did have sex without a condom for about a min 6 days ago but it would be too soon to be having symptoms. Can being gassy and feeling weird and tired be caused by birth control? I don't know if I feel tired bc I have extracurricular activities until 9:30 and I usually don't get in bed until like 12 and wake up 5:30 so I don't know. I'm getting a blood test on the 12th but can someone help me with my worries?

»Laser hair removal?
Is there anything new within laser hair removal? Any new instruments or tools that cover larger areas on the skin at the time?

»Im 15 and i ve been getting heartburn frequently. I get it in the mornings a lot and it feels like my whole chest and stomach is inflamed.?
My back hurts and its hard to swallow. Im getting headaches with them too. Its hard for me to breath too. Im not sure why im getting them either. Sometimes i get them after i coffee but ive been drinking coffee for a long time so idk why its happening.

»Is 1500 calories a day too little for me?
Stats: Height: 6'2 Weight: 220 lbs Body fat: 22% Hit a stand still with 2k calories, like I have in the past. Keep in mind my body tends to hold onto weight at lower cals then average people, and is fairly anti-catabolic. Current routine is alternating squat, bench press, bentover rows with squat, deadlifts, overhead press M W F and high intensity cardio T Th.

»Is there a site where you can view a pornstars entire discography?
Like imdb but for porn. Thanks ;)

»How to relieve back pain from a fall?

»Ring won't come off finger?
Ring wont come off middle finger, swelling won't go down, circulation has been cut off. It don't feel pretty. I've tried the floss method, I've tried soaking my hand in cold water, I've tried cream. Nothing has worked! What do I do?

»Sex after miscarriage?
I've read a lot on the internet that it was safe to have sex when you stop bleeding I stopped bleeding about 2 days ago and had very light spotting. I just had unprotected sex and then took a shower. when I got out of the shower I saw I had bright red blood. I'm going to the doctor on Thursday to see What's wrong but if you guys have any ideas It'll be greatly appreciated. I'm just worried if I got an infection or something.

»How do you get your shin bone to become visible?
I've seen lots of skinny people with shin bones that are easily seen in the front. how can I get that?

»How to lose your period?
I'm seeing my bf this weekend and I wanna lose my period before then. My period normally slows down after 3 days, but I wanna stop it completely before then. I have 5 days until I see him if that helps. What can I do?

»How to make myself ***?!?
I was wondering how can I make myself ***?? I finger myself but nothing!!! I only get wet but nothing cums :((( what do I have To Do to ***???? How will I know if I'm cumming??!!! Thank you!!!

»I'm so clumsy, and I ripped my scab open for the fourth time.?
First time was during hockey, I got pushed and tripped. Second time was due to football, got tackled badly. 3rd time during football but after school, I got slide tackled. I'm at home, and I was going up the stairs then I tripped... and blimmin' ripped it open for the fourth time. I don't really want a plaster, for the first two occasions I had a plaster. It's coz it rips my hair off. Anyway, there's loads of blood and I don't know what to do. The actual scab by the way hasnt come off yet, It's loose. I have no band aids at home

»I'm trying to lose weight but dieting is extremely hard. Any easy ways to lose a lot of pound but in a small amount of time?

»Itchy bumps all over my body.?
I have these itchy bumps all over and I dont know what they are. They can't be an allergic reaction because I haven't changed any lotions or soaps. They itch constantly to the point where they start to bleed and they still itch. It's all over my arms, legs, sides, chest, even some on my feet.

»¿con que pastillas me podría suicidar?

»¿pasen sus números e indicativos para hacer un grupo hoy de whatsapp (solo hombres)?

»¿Cómo curar la gripe y fiebre rápido?
Este domingo me dio la gripe y llevo pasándolo horrible desde entonces, y lo peor de todo es que además de gripe, también tengo un resfriado. Llevo toda la semana sin ir a clase y lo peor de todo es que tengo 3 exámenes. Lo que quiero es recuperarme cuanto antes para poder comenzar a estudiar este fin de semana para el examen de la semana que viene y los atrasados de la anterior... ¿Me pueden dar trucos?

»¿Verrugas del Virus del Papiloma Humano?
Hola buenas tardes. Me gustaria saber que aspecto presentan las verrugas ocasionadas por el Virus del papiloma humano, al igual que me gustaria saber si con una citologia anual se puede diagnosticar y, en caso de que la citologia sea negativa si a los años puede salir la enfermedad. Gracias de antemano

»¿Ayuda no tengo pasiones ?!?
Resulta que estoy haciendo un trabajo que no me gusta mucho pero es lo que consegui porque tengo que pagar unas deudas, tambien estudio una carrera que mucho no me gusta (relaciones laborales), y no se, no tengo nada mas, no soy bueno en los deportes, no tengo talento ni vocacion en nada creo, me siento vacio que solo trabajo y trabajo como negro mi vida es gris (tampoco tengo nadie que me haga compañia), realmente quiero morir

Hola a los amigos de yahoo; quisiera saber si alguien padese de esta anomalia o apariencia estetica (quistes sebaceos) quisiera q me contaran como lo han superado o como se lo han tratado en mi caso las tengo muy visibles y la verdad estoy pensando en la cirugia; tengo 20 años. Agradesco por sus respuestas.

»¿hombres de 16 a 21 años para pasar fotos por whatsapp? +57 3154630816 hablenmeee!!!?

»Why can't i get a full erection?
Im 18 and i been masturbating almost everyday since i was 12 and im in college now. I have a high sex drive but i don't want to risk sex because it can cause complications so i just stuck to masturbating. I never even kissed a girl but whenever i look at porn now or do anything its very rare that i reach full length. Im normally 8 inches but i rarely get that hard anymore. Its a bad habbit to masturbate because i have such a high sex drive so what can i do? I feel awkward with girls to due to extreme lack of experience.

»Is Silver fillings really what I need to fill 3 bottom cavities?
My Dentist found 3 cavities in my bottom molars, and drilled one right away which killed, and then pressed dark grey stuff in, which looked so ugly that I cried after seeing it. The Dentist said I should get used to it, because my other 2 fillings will look bigger since the're between teeth. Was this really what I needed done? The Dentist gave me no choice, and just told me about the silver once it was already in my drilled tooth. Someone spotted my silver filling when I yawned, and when I told him I have to get 2 more on the bottom, he said it's really gonna show since I 'm going from 0 to 3 fillings in one week.

»Loosing weight tips?
i recently took hydroxycut and i didn't like it so i stopped, I've been doing squat excersies and I'm just flat out done with having a stomach I'm 5 foot 2 inches about 135lbs, i need to get down to atlases 120, I'm sick of my thighs touching each other i want a little gap someone pleas give me advise, I'm 18 female . No hate please also

»Is this bleeding after sex normal?
Anyone else have that experience? I recently went to gyno few months ago who did my first pap and prescribed me the pill. Pap came out normal and I started pill. After starting pill, that's when little bleading after sex would start. Months in with pill, Id still bleed after sex, almost every time. I don't have any other symptoms besides just mild bleeding. I'd show hints of blood in toilet paper after sex only. I'm going back to gyno but has anyone had anything similar?

»My forehead keeps breaking out!?
I've never had a problem with acne or anything like that, until recently, my forehead keep breaking out and it won't go away, by the way neither of my parents even had acne... And I also never wear makeup, which makes it even harder to when my forehead looks so bad. Does anyone have an ideas on what I should do? I'm going somewhere in two weeks and I would really like it clear by then. I actually tried tea tree oil, and in like three days it was almost completely clear, but then I woke up the next day and boom it was back. So if anyone has any help please let me know and fast.

»Didn't know I was pregnant till I miscarried!!?
im 16..I went to a womens center yesterday and took a pregnancy test and came out positive and when we went to the ultrasound there was nothing in my uterus and there was no sign of implantation in my ovaries or tubes. The nurse told me I miscarried after she examined me further. She told me I was 3 weeks in . Do I need a d/c? How long should I be bleeding for?

»I think i have a vaginal infection !!?
so i know it probaly sounds disgusting but i have had mucus like liquid come out of my vagina!! help

»Tiny red bumps on my penis head (uncircumcised) and it has no pain or itch and red bumps around my penis and no symptom. 13 years old?

»How ton live a very long life?
any tips? I want to be healthy and live past 100. Foodwise, I quit drinking pop (the only thing I drink is water) and I quit fast food. What foods are extremely healthy that I need to add to my diet? What food should I avoid at all cost? I heard exercise every day will help you live longer. Anything else I should do every day to add years to my life? I don't smoke and rarely drink.

»I'm having really bad shoulder pain. What's wrong with me?
Two days ago I woke up with some shoulder pain. It hurt to pick up my backpack and such. Well today I woke up and its 100 times worse I can't lift my arm without it hurting really bad and I've judt been holding my arm to my side. Just using my hurt arm to put deoderant on hurt really ******* bad. And it hurt so much I almost cried. Its the top of my shoulder that hurts. I've broken the same arm twice(left arm). Can anyone tell me whats wrong with it and what I should do.

»Should I lose weight or not?
5'9", 155 lbs 38" bust, 30" waist, 38" hips Just wondering... Here are a couple pics, to give an idea: Sorry, I don't have pics (thought I did).

»Pale looking?
Is it normal to look a little pale and dry looking when you have the cold? Some people noticed.

»Why does my knee hurt when i apply pressure to it and pop/crack when i bend it?
its like right underneath my knee cap, when i go to stand up from sitting or if i bend my leg to almost 90* and put my weight on the one side i get a pain in my knee. also if im sitting down and bend my leg back and forth the knee pops.. feels kinda like when you crack your knuckles or something.. stupid Obama doesnt have me getting my health insurance until march so any ideas on what it may be guys?

»How to get a flat stomach and small waist?
I am 17 yrs old at 200 on the dot and I'm 5'3 that is completely terrible and my midsection and back hold most of the weight I feel like my butt is my best ASSet I wanna know how I can get rid of my mid and still keep my butt I need to lose 40 by June I'm a size 16 in pants xl in shirts if that helps ? Exercise video suggestions ?I NEEDTHIS .

»Can I get adderall stored on file at a pharmacy and pick it up from another pharmacy of the same company?
I have an adderall prescription from my current doctor, but I will be traveling to a different state for about a year. Since we have to have the physical prescription each it possible for my family member to pick up the prescription each month from my doctor and submit it to their local CVS and then I can get the prescription filled at any CVS location? Or can I only get it filled at that one CVS location where the prescription was dropped off? I used CVS as an example, but I am open to any other pharmacy chain.

»Contacts itch?
Hi, I have a question about my contacts. No matter if it's a new pair or old pair my right eye always itches when I put a contact in and turns red from me scratching it, and my eye seems to get dry super quick. Is there a reason why? Is it serious? Thanks.

»Is my finger sprained?
I was playing netball today and I hurt my ring finger while i tried to catch a ball. Even after i hurt it i kept playing for until we were done with the PE lesson, however it had really started swelling up and by the time i had changed and gotten ice, my finger had become massive. Now I can't straighten my finger at all without it hurting, but i can bend it slightly more than it is "naturally" before it starts hurting. In the bend of the finger it has turned a bit dark purple. I put a splint on the finger to keep it still. So is my finger sprained or is it something more serious? I have sprained my little finger once before, however I don't recall it hurting very much.

»My husband has cancer and can't eat and drinks very little he has lost 30lbs what should I do?

»I just started working out yesterday after not working out for 2 years. Advice?
Okay so i'm 22 years old and about 30 pounds overweight. 2 years ago I used to run all the time and I was in great shape then I ended up getting pregnant with my first baby after I had him I still didn't work out. Lately I've really been wanting to be healthier, i've been drinking green smoothies with kale and spinach and i've been having nutritional shakes. I worked out yesterday for the first time in 2 years, I went to the track and ran a mile in the cold without doing a pre workout or stretching. I ended up being out of breath after I finished and it hurt to breath then later I started wheezing a little bit. How should I start off slow with working out again? I feel like i've never felt this out of shape in my life and I need some help.

»Is dentistry for me?
I want to be a dentist, specifically orthodontist. But of course i would pass the common procedures such as tooth extraction, root canals and others that deals with needles and blood. Im just scared of thi stuff, do you think im gonna get used to this too? So that makes me wonder if dentistry really is for me.. I want a good profession, stable job and i like to have encounter direct patient service.. and another, if im an orthodontist would i stillb be involved in general dentistry or would it be up to me whether i would accept such patients? thanks

»Watery ejaculation and no precum?
I am a gay male. I usually precum a lot. A few weeks ago I had a sexual encounter with a guy and I was bottoming and the conform fell off during sex. It was pretty tough sex. After that my prostate hurt for several weeks but now I am unable to precum at all and my ejaculate is watery. I'm not sure if I'm just over thinking this or if I may have caught something.

»Can I lose weight then tone up?
I came from 160 to 150 , and different is showing some in my face and stomach people said ; .....I'm only 17 tryna get fit and I wanna see more different in my stomach and face , I'm trying to lose the weight first then tone up , I do a 20 min workout on the eclipse and 20 min walking / running on the treadmill any advice

»I'm having big brain tumor underneath my brain?
So I checke with many foreign doc and they all said it's too dangerous to take the surgery, I either get into coma, memory lost or death and it's very very risky. Doc said my brain needed to be taken out to remove the tumor because it's underneath the brain but honestly I don't trust doctor, so anyone who can tell me something about this ? I'm currently taking medical treatment to see whether my brain tumor got suppressed

»Will I lose weight? Please read the rest of it.?
I'm looking to be 155-165 pounds. I'm currently 198 lbs. Would waking up at 5 am every morning to walk on the treadmill for 45 mins and getting home at 7pm to walk on the tread mill for 45-60 mins and not drinking anything besides Juice and Water help me lose weight. I'm 5'9.

»How do i beat the flu?

»Is cracking your neck or back bad?
Like cracking your joint for reliefs, is it bad to do it frequently everyday ? And why ?

»Would drinking 3 protein shakes a day be alright?
I know it's a lot but it would really help me get all my nutrients. So pre workout I would drink a regular protein drink. After I work out I would drink my mass gainer, and before bed I would drink mass gainer. Is that dangerous or alright ? Thanks for the feedback!!

»I fractured my finger . How to speed recover it.?
I have a volleyball match coming soon. How can i make my fracture heal faster in time for the game?

»Dizzy everyday?
I get dizzy everyday if im not dizzy im light headed or just unbalanced. I have went to the doctor and all my tests are coming out fine i have been eating healthier and i dont understand what this is. Does anyone relate or have an idea? Im confused and its making me not want to go anywhere. I do have to go to school because i am a senior in high school and its makin me not focused please any ideas?? Could this be diabetes??Thanks

»So im 20 I've been drinking about 4 beers a day for the past year or so due to my anxiety and where I live..people call me an alcoholic?
Yet I can still pay my rent and I can still afford to buy **** for my girlfriend and family and still have money and I make minimum wage and I know I have a problem but if I don't drink then my anxiety goes crazy and the medicine the drs gave me don't work but all I do is drink a couple beers and smoke weed for the rest of the that so wrong am I bad person for that?

»How to lose extra unwanted fat/flatten stomach & inner thighs?
I weigh 119 lbs but have extra unnecessary fat in my inner thighs, stomach, and arms. and I know you're going to say exercise/weightlifting to turn it into muscle but I just started a new job and I'm going to school and I have alot of extra stuff I do on the weekends so I really don't have the time right now. Please don't give me one of those "if you want it bad enough you'll make time" speeches, I'm usually pretty good about my fitness I'm just stressed to the max right now. All I'm asking is if someone could give me a solution to flatten my stomach, inner thighs, & lose some flab around my upper arms before spring break, thanks!

»Hey guys, I have a question,. I know someone who has stop eating rice and potato because of her diet. Now she has lost some hair.Question...?
If she starts to eat rice again, will her hair grow back. Her dermatologist said, she has damage follicles. Will it still grow back??? Thank you.

»Very small red bump on my gum?
As said above, I just discovered a very small red bump on my bottom gum in between my two teeth in the center. It hardly hurts when I touch it. Is this something I should be worried about or will it go away over time? I should also point out that I've never been to the dentist and I'm 19. My mom could never afford it. I also don't brush my teeth as often as I should.

»Will the birth control pill change your mood and attitude?

»Please guys i really do need help?
my problem is i think too much , about anything and everything . I think that the worst thing could happened to me . I don't have the peace of mind that I used to have before . I am killing my self with anxiety . i suffer from insomnia because of that . i have trust issues and low self steam . I never felt special , don't get me wrong I was raised well my parents are the best anyone could have. very open minded and great compared to other parents from our culture . but this also is causing a lot of conflicts , i don't know where i belong , or if i am bad or good . i have so much inside of me that I am not able to tell my friends or parents what is going inside my head . the dark bad thoughts are unbearable . it is all about expecting the worse in life . it is like I have no hope any more . I keep thinking bad things will happened to me and to my family and i can't shake this feelings . i worry if I don't call my parents everyday , or if I don't answer their msgs , something bad might happen and i won't have the chance to hear from them again . I am paranoid about being sick weather it is an std , cancer , Ebola . even now i am terrified of flying . all this stared recently like 1 year ago or a bit more . I am in my late 20's . I don't know how i can get rid of these thoughts. what should I do , to get the peace back into my life .

»Does climbing of stair make leg grow bigger and build muscle?

»Would you ever be scared to be a human if you never had your first kiss?
I am. I m a 30 year old African American male and I never had my first kiss. I just want to kiss a girl. But I m struggling with symptoms of Schizophrenia. And it is difficult to find another African American woman. And I struggle with 7 unclean spirits. And Satan talking to me. And I weigh 295.4 pounds at 5 foot 11. So when other humans talk to me especially women of other races, I get totally afraid. And I don t know how to speak English and conversate back with her. It s like I forget how to conversate any sentences.

»How to cure retarded ejaculation?

»Bedwetting on trip?
My problem is we are going on a school trip for a week, and I'm worried because I have bedwetting problems, what can I do?

»Vomiting twice?
Yesterday i felt dizzy all day and week. I only ate breakfest. At 7pm i tried to eat but vomited a lot!!! I felt a little relief but 4 hours later i got up from bed hit the wall... And tbrew up in the hallway... 4 feet from the bathroom. Now its morning and i still feel dizzy and disoriented. What is this? People are asking if im pregnant but no im a perfect pill user. Why am I so sick????

»If I spend $2.25 a day going back and forth to work for 5 days a week for a month how much money would I need to spend for the whole month?

»Im kinda stuck here so yaa?
adding more detail bear with soo i want to be an actress but my college only offeres level 3 for some strange reason and has stuppid gcse requirments.......anyway another college offers all level i had a meeting about next year choices as i wanna stay in college and he looked up i can go into level 2 if i want but he reccomened level 1 as im shy to get my confidence which i would do............but the probalm is its kinda far and id have to get an early bus (which i dont entirly care about 7:02) anyway sometimes its late... and comes back late and i dont like being out at night i dont know why i like astronemey and i dont like being out at night well if its in a place i know yeeey and if i get stuck there i wouldn't be able to get back and say the bus can't get in i cant gooo its annoying...................................and i dont play an instrument and i dont think i have that computer program and i did when i was younger to other tunes and another song i called no more war but i cant remember the tune.........

»Acne question!? Help?
So I'm 14... I hit puberty when I was 12 and I got pimples and stuff really bad... I still get little breakouts though (which is normal I know) but every other girl (Except for like two) don't have pimples or acne in my grade? I'm in 8th and I haven't seen any with acne? Are they going to get them in high school? Or am I going to be the only one in the school that ever has a pimple? Also what are some good products for sensitive skin that can stop acne WITHOUT drying?! And what are good foods to stop acne, and bad foods that cause acne??!

»Inflammation of throat on CT scan?
I had a CT scan done of the soft tissues of my throat in the ER because of recurring throat pain. The Dr said he saw stones in my salivary glands on the right side, which he didn't think was a problem. He also said I had inflammation in my throat at the base of my tongue. He told me that it could be my tonsil growing back (had them removed in 1993) or something else, but he wasn't sure. He put me on an antibiotic & I'm taking it. I have an appointment with my ENT in 2.5 weeks, so I'll know for sure what's going on soon. My question is- what could this inflammation be? Could it be cancer or would cancer show up differently on a CT scan? Thanks in advance. :)

»Why am I so easily injured?
I'm a 24 year old male, healthy weight. From 15-22 I was very physically active in several aspects; parkour, weight training, running etc. I was also very strong and put muscle on easily. Fro some reason the past two years I have injured almost everything once, some permanently. All of a sudden my knees are awful, I've slipped a disc in my back, I've become weaker and have injured my rotator cuffs once for the right and 3 times for the left. What is going on? I feel like I'm way too young for this to be happening. I should also note that I know for sure I am not over training in the slightest. I'm going on 4 week-4 month training spurts before I get injured or something and have to recover for a few weeks or months. (example, today during a routine French Curl I felt my chest insertion tense up and I had to stop. It felt like I was being stabbed with a needle in my sternum.

»When you have mold allergies just how strict do you have to be about avoiding certain foods like cheese?
I am beginning immunotherapy for my allergies and I am supposed to practive avoidance of the things I am allergic to, but I am wondering just how strict I have to be. I ve been consuming things like yogurt and cheese since I can remember and I ve tested positive for 4 mold allergies.

»Weird odor? Females only?
Okay so I know this is probably gonna be TMI but I've just been freaking out! Long story short: I ate the habanero spicy wings at buffalo wild wings. Then me and my fiancé went home and did our thing like 4-5 hours later. I noticed that it burned when we did it and when I went to the bathroom to pee, I noticed this weird strong smell that I really can't describe. He climaxed inside me so I think that it contributed to the smell. I just wanted to know if it was possible it could have been from the habanero wings. Cause I've never had any problem with painful sex or nasty smells down below before until the spicy wings. I'm sorry for the TMI lol

»I wake up happy, energetic and confident but go to sleep sad, depressed and afraid.?
I often lay in bed at night thinking about how miserable I'll feel when my family dies (sometimes i start crying) or all the painful ways people have died and that I'm bound to experience it one day. But when I wake up and throughout the day I feel invulnerable. My question is this normal or is it a result of bi-polar?

»Irregular periods levothyroxine n bc...?
Okay found out my tsh was high 5.93 n they put me on levothyroxine 25mg & bc becuz I wasn't getting my period like normal...I'd go months without tsh is now 2.84 n t4 free is 1.1 but when we stopped bc my periods couldn't come...we been ttc for 7 months now...any stories or advice..

»Really confused?
I'm 17 and my periods generally aren't regular. I have had sex within the last month. I'm experiencing my PMS symptoms: moody, fatigue, mild cramping.. but my period was due Jan 31 and it is now Feb 4. my last period happened on Jan 1. help?

»Do I have an ear infection?
My rights side throat is hurting a little bit and it goes up to my right ear which is in worse pain. Do i have an ear infection and I can't afford a doctor is there any home remedies I can use to get rid of this?

»Should I wash my hands with soap after applying antifungal dusting powder on the infected region using a handkerchief?
or is water enough? The reason I'm asking is because my eyes are sensitive and they burn every time I wash my hands with soap.And then I have to splash water in my eyes for a long time. So I'm trying to minimize the number of times I use soap. Please help.

»Plan B side affects?
I took plan B after unprotected sex one night and I knew that my period was supposed to start about a week and a half later. My period last month started on the 5th and this last Monday (the 2nd) I noticed some spotting and just figured my period started a few days early. But there was only spotting for about two days and I woke up this morning with no blood from the night and none while I was getting ready. What does this mean?

»I have experienced severe pain to both calves for over a year. the pain is constant. touch or massaging the calves is excruciating!?
I was diagnosed with diabetes a little over a year ago. I have recently undergone minimal testing, including emg, and have now received the broad diagnosis of neuropathy. I am 41 years old. I have a family history of DM, HTN, RA, various cancers (including myself 7 years ago renal cell carcinoma). I have had a C5-C7 ACDF 8 years ago. my legs began hurting with a tingling sensation in my feet followed by "rubber bands around the ankles" and is now moving up my body. there are times when my entire body stings and feels as though I have rolled around in a field of bull nettle. I have random and very painful sudden "pin point" sensations to my back in various locations. my skin feels sunburned across most of my body. is this as good as it gets for me? I currently take Neurontin and Cymbalta for symptom relief. it doesn't seem to be helping. I have experienced a decrease in strength to all extremities, especially my legs. I have limited flexibility in my ankles. my toes on both feet are starting to draw up and i can't straighten them without using my hands to flatten them back out. limited motion to toes as well. I have difficulty swallowing at times. I have to force my urine from my bladder most of the time and it takes what seems like forever for finally get the bladder emptied. please help, more than "neuropathy"?

»Why can I not access email questionnaire from Knowwledge panel?

»I Have little tiny spots growing on my vigina?
I'm 16years old and I'm to embarrassed to go to the doctors Im a virgin and I've recently discoverd 6small little spots growing on the side of my vigina also this other green yellow thing could someone please give me a rough idea what this could be?

»Rough rash on chin and cheek area? they're not itchy but slightly reddish they just appeared, please hellp!!:( thanks!?

»Is it normal for my penis to have stretch marks?
I mean im 22 and its about 8 inches. Never really noticed before but they are all around my penis the front and back. Is that normal? Or is it cause im big? Lol

»Parents forced me to get circumcised and it was botched?
so my parents forced me to get circumcised now it was botched, it really hurts now the doctor is recommending reconstructing it into a vagina? should i let him do this k

»Sleepover on my period?
I'm going to my friends on Friday, there is gonna be 2 other girls, her dad, and her brothers (2 grades down). I just started my period and I'm not quit sure what to do. I always wear tampons except to sleep but I'm afraid to wear a pad because I may leak. We go to bed late (I'm usually down by 2) so if I change it then could I sleep in a tampon and set an alarm to wake me up? And should I just tell them, hey I'm on my period and have to get up early to change the plug up my butt? (Well not my butt... U get the point) So if you could help that would be appreciated.

»¿tengo dolores de cabeza demasiado fuerte me sangra la nariz de ves en cuando no como muxo no duermo y siempre estoy cansado que puede ser ?

»¿Hola me realice un hemograma, el cual salio alterado Me podrian ayudar e indicarme si esto realmente significa anemia aplasica?? Gracias?
Estos son los resultados Hemograma Recuento de Eritrocitos 3.87 x10^6/uL * [ 4.0 - 5.2 ] Hemoglobina 10.7 g/dL * [ 12.0 - 16.0 ] Hematocrito 33.6 % * [ 37.0 - 47.0 ] VCM 86.8 fL [ 80.0 - 97.0 ] HCM 27.6 pg [ 27.0 - 31.0 ] CHCM 31.8 % * [ 32.0 - 36.0 ] Recuento de Plaquetas 346 x 10^3 uL [ 150 - 400 ] Recuento de Leucocitos 4.1 x 10^3/uL * [ 4.5 - 11.0 ] Recuento Abs de Neutrofilos 1.8 x10^3/uL * [ 2.2 - 4.8 ] Basófilos 1.0 % [ .0 - 1.0 ] Formula Diferencial Eosinófilos 1.5 % * [ 2.0 - 4.0 ] Promielocitos 0.0 % Mielocitos 0.0 % Juveniles 0.0 % Baciliformes 0.0 % [ .0 - 5.0 ] Segmentados 44.5 % * [ 50.0 - 68.0 ] Linfocitos 44.0 % [ 13.0 - 44.0 ] Monocitos 9.0 % * [ 4.0 - 8.0 ] Total 100 VHS, eritrosedimentación 56 mm/Hr * [ 1.0 - 20.0 ] Eritrocitos Anisocitosis leve Hipocromia leve Poiquilocitosis leve Ovalocitos escasos Formacion de Rouleaux escasos Caracteristicas al frotis Leucocitos Normales

»¿Como no marearse en el bus?
Hola, voy a ir de excursión en el bus pero siempre me mareo aun tomando las pastillas para no marearse y yo en el bus no me quiero poner adelante por que están los profesores espiando lo que haces y me quiero poner atrás con la gente. Pero siempre me mareoo ¿algun remedio para no marearse?

»¿Pregunta de 5 estrellas ¿me pueden ayudar con 5 metodos de planificacion familiar y me pueden dar un pequeña explicacion? gracias?

»¿Que hacer cuando baja la presion? (Emergencia)?
Que debo hacer? Encontre un familiar tirado al piso? Casi no reaccionaba... Levante las piernas pero seguía mal, dar de tomar algo? Casi no habla... Que hacer frente a estas situaciones? Gracias a Dios la presión volvió a subir, pero tardo un buen rato, pero quería saber que hacer en estas situaciones? Para que la presión suba rápidamente? Gracias

»¿Comer en platos pequeños me hara quedarme lleno mas rapidamente?

»¿como relajarse sin gastar dinero?
llevo unas semanas un poco estrasado estudiando, cuidado de mi hermana, entre que estoy castigada y los deberes estoy muy estrasada y no se como quitarmene el estrex sin gastar dinero

»¿consulta estoy tomando isis mini 24 puedo seguir normalmente con las isis min 28?
Yo tomaba las isis min 28 el de la farmacia de turno se confundió y luego no le las quizá cambiar. Las comence a tomar y ahora que hago sigo con esas o vuelvo a las que e yo tomaba de 28?

»¿Tengo 12.... Ayuda! (Doy 5 estrellas?
En 2 días ya me he masturbado 5 o 6 veces y necesito dejar de masturbarme al menos hasta el lunes de dentro de dos semanas. Ayuda!! No quiero sufrir de mayor por un vicio de ahora!!!!!!!

»¿trucos para adelgazar rapido?
Verán tengo 17 años y quiero adelgazar. Nunca he estado conforme con mi cuerpo. Hago mucho deporte y como sano, pero no consigo adelgazar nada... Me deprimo mucho porque no consigo mis objetivos... He intentado hacer dieta, baje 1 kg sólo porque mi madre me prohibió hacerla. Como menos cantidad pero me pongo nerviosa y me muerdo las uñas. Bebo mucha agua y nada... Alguna forma de adelgazar sin que mis padres lo sepan y a ser posible no recurrir a la bulimia que tambien intenté...?

»¿Hay algun tratamiento para la colesterolosis en la vesicula o para la vesicula fresa?

»¿Mis medidas son 85 60 85 tengo un mal cuerpo?
Mido 1.58 y peso 40 kg. tengo 15 años.

»¿Perder peso, grasa corporal, construir músculo?
Saludos. Tengo 18 años, mujer. Mido 5' 4" / 1.63 Peso 180-185 lbs. / 82-84 kgs. Tengo alrededor de 40 lbs. / 18 kgs. de sobrepeso. Me interesa perder peso, grasa corporal, construir musculo, tengo tiempo intentándolo de a poco pero nada. ¿Cómo lo haría, primero perder peso y luengo crear músculo o hacerlo simultáneamente?. He considerado adquirir Lipo 6 Ultra concentrado. ¿Lo han utilizado, cómo les fue?. ¿Algunos buenos consejos para la perdida de peso, grasa y crear músculo?. Gracias de antemano.

»¿Muela recien tapada me duele?
Hola, ayer me fui a tapar una muela que me molestaba al masticar de ese lado cosas duras entonces mascaba del otro lado, ayer fui a taparmela y hoy tengo molestias all tomar cosas friars o al tiempo, cosa que no me ocurria antes, quedo mal o aun esta recuperandoce? A proposito es amalgama Agradeceria sus opiniones

»¿Se puede Contraer VIH por las heridas que quedan al comerse el cuero de los dedos?
Hola, estoy aprendiendo a tatuar y queria saber cual es el riesgo de contraer el vih a traves de las heridas que se hacen en los dedos al comerse las uñas o los cueritos. Logicamente utilizo guantes para el proceso pero para ser sincero, una vez terminado el tatuaje me despreocupo un poco ya que desarmo las maquinas y boto las agujas (sin pincharme) sin los guantes pero me preocupa por estas pequeñas heridas en los dedos.

»¿Puedo estar embarazada tomando las anticonceptivas yasmin??? por favor , respondan?
Resulta que hace 3 meses tomo las pastillas yasmin , y mi novio acabo 5 veces en mi casi... o mas y resulta que tengo miedo , ya que me siento angustiada de repente , no tengo ganas de comer, falta de apetito, tengo el estomago cerrado y ademas de eso como que estoy muy sensible y hoy vomite 2 veces , como que me agarran arcadas.. hay posibilidad de embarazo o no? ya que nunca me olvide las pastillas, pero tengo genetica de que a mi mama le fue facil qedar embarazada ayuda!

»¿Para Ustedes ¿Que Es La Realidad?

»¿mi pene mide 21 centímetros y la profundidad de la vagina de mi novia es de 17, que pasa si llego al final? Es que tenemos la duda.?

»¿Si descongelo un alimento en una sartén de golpe, pierde sus propiedades?
Por ejemplo, si congelo varios filetes de ternera o salmón o incluso verduras y en vez de descongelarlos previamente a temperatura ambiente antes de cocinarlos, los cocino directamente los meto en la olla o en la sartén congelados ¿pierden sus propiedades alimenticias y sus vitaminas?

»¿quiero fotos de maduros desnudos?, donde puedo saca? quien me pasa fotos?
Skype: carlos_baroli Correo:

»¿Preguntas contaminación acústica para trabajo de recerca?
Estoy haciendo un trabajo de recerca sobre la contaminación acústica y me gustaría que me respondieses estas 4 sencillas preguntas, os lo agradecería de corazon!! Gracias!! - ¿Crees posible que España sea el segundo país más ruidoso del mundo según la OMS? - ¿Crees que no se toman las medidas necesarias por los altos niveles ruidosos en la ciudad? - ¿Cómo crees que se puede controlar la contaminación acústica? - Eres consciente de los efectos negativos que provocan los ruidos en nuestra salud?

»¿es normal que a los 15 años me salgan pelos en el pecho? a ustedes a que edad le salieron?

»¿Hay alguna enfermedad que pueda llegar realmente a convertirse en una pandemia?
No digan ébola, no deja de ser una enfermedad mortal, pero no es tan grave como dicen en las noticias. Si no lo creen busquen en páginas de confianza y no de noticias.

»¿estare embarazada?
el periodo se me adelantó 2 días y sólo me duró 2 días, cuando me suele durar 4. apenas tube sandrado y 15 días antes tuve varias relacciones sin preservativo ¿podría estar embarazada?

»¿Hola,esta bien mi estatura?Cuanto mediré de mayor?
Tengo 11 años y mido 1,58. Mi madre mide 1,65 y mi padre 1,84 me gustaría saber más o menos cuanto mediría me haría muchisima ilusión ser modelo. Peso 44 kg

»¿Creeis que es normal que me de tantos besos?
se trata de mi pareja que no deja de abrazarme y darme muchos besos seguidos casi siempre y todos los dias, una vez incluso en el dia de la madre estabamos reunidos y me puso el brazo en el cuello y me dio como 13 besos muy seguidos en la mejilla siempre me besa cuando estamos juntos y no puede contenerse cuando me abraza que es lo que le ocurre ultimamente? el era gigolo (taxi boy) y tuve un hijo con el que ahora tiene 1 año y medio

»¿Tengo 13 años y mi penes mide 22 cms es normal?

»¿Siento que la gente me mira?
Asi es, por lo regular cuando salgo a fumar o estoy fuera de mi casa siento que siempre ahi alguien en la ventana espiando .... ayudaaa

»¿La peste negra y la peste bubónica son lo mismo? Y si no lo son, ¿qué diferencias tienen?

»¿que puedo tener?
Me hice daño en el tobillo hace un mes mas o menos fue muy leve ya que cuando me lo torci pude andar sin problema tenia molestias pero no fui al doctor y ne duele cuando lo tuerzo, y lo tengo vendando y me pongo crema antiflamatoria todas las noches que hago ?

»¿Pueden los colicos abdominales ser muy doorosos...........?
.............. y durar varios dias? ¿Me dan algun remedio? gracias Dolorosos*

»¿Me recomiendan algun video o foto para masturbarme?
Asi de simple no soy gay eh si alguienme envia fotos tambien vale xd

»¿Que Tipos de Hernias son malignas?
Que tipo de hernias son malignas que puedan atentar contra la vida

»¿adelgazar un kilo?
Me sobra un kilo o dos y los quiero perder sin prisa pero no me gusta mucho el deporte y menos correr en invierno como ahora. Me pueden decir ejercicios q puedo hacer , no dietas sino deportes. Tengo la wii fit no se si eso adelgaza. Cuanto tardare en adelgazar? 5 puntos mejor respuesta

»¿Como superar un aborto provocado?
Absténganse comentarios moralistas ok , por favor. Hola tuve un aborto provocado hace unos días y aunque si quise hacerlo me siento triste no tengo ni ganas de arreglarme y he estado llorando . Tengo 23 años y una hija de 5 años y no podía hacerme cargo de este embarazo y decidí abortar, no me imaginaba que es tan duro pero intento superarlo.

»¿Qué puedo hacer para hacer mi lubricante natural más líquido?
Tengo 16 años y me da vergüenza hacerlo con mi novio porque mi lubricante natural (creo que es eso porque me he informado) no es líquido, tiene como la textura de una pasta y no se hacer para remediarlo. Ayuda por favor. Gracias.

»¿Para que sirve comer harina?

»¿Yo tengo pierdas en la vesicula?
A q se debe q me den dolores en la parte derecha en la espalda por donde tenemos el pulmon

Me he depelidado toda la vagina y me pica muchisisismo, es super incomodo andar así, alguein sabe algún remedio o truquito para aliviar el picor y escozor (ni la crema me relaja)

»¿Necesito ayuda.?
Todo el tiempo me siento al limite , algo no va bien conmigo , todo el tiempo me molesta todo , todo el tiempo tengo ganas de llorar , todo me parece injusto y mi madre lo empeora todo con las diferencias que hace entre mi hermana y yo , me levanto pensando en acuesto pensando en esto , estoy nerviosa todo el tiempo..y me pongo el doble si se trata de salir de casa , desde 2011 que todo va mal pero ahora esta peor , antes era soportable pero ahora me siento cansada de lo mismo ya no puedo sola , me siento distinta xq antes era mas fuerte y necesito fuerte y no puedo, en mi cada me reprimen todo el tiempo y por esto noto como me convertí en una persona de perfil mas bajo de lo que era , me cuesta relacionarme con otras personas , hasta hace poco me cortaba (como en el 2012) pero note que las marcas no se van y ahora solo me hago..moretones golpeándome. no se la verdad que necesito ni que busco solo se que estoy harta y quisiera que termine xq estoy podrida de esto.

»¿AYUDA DOLOR DE MUELA!!!!!!!!!!!!?
AYUDA por favor, tengo 14 años y hace dos días me duele mucho mucho una muela, fui al dentista de urgencia ya que no podía aguantarme y me dieron cita para el próximo mes, Y durante este me mandaron a que tome amoxicilina 750g cada 8 horas durante 7 dias, y si me dolía mas que me tomará ibruprofeno, pero aún así me sigue doliendo de muerte, por la noche no puedo dormir del dolor, y me duele muchooooo, tengo que me duerma en clases. AYUDA porfavooooor, alguien sabe algún remedio casero efectivo?? Gracias de antemano

»¿Hola tengo 11 años Esta bien mi estatura?
Mido 1,58 y peso 44 kg e oido que en españa la gente es mas alta y yo soy de españa pero en mi classe soy la sexta mas alta y la 11 mas alta de quinto estoy bien??Estoy preocupada si soy demasiado alta en mi colegio somos muy altos jeje

»¿La Jícama engorda? Con sal y limón?
Quiero comprarme una jícama y que me le pongan Limón, sal (poquita por que es mala) y chile en polvo y líquido Pero engorda? quiero cuidarme y me gusta la jícama con chile :( ya me arte de comerla sola

»¿Tengo muy feo olor en la ***** que hago?
p o l l a

»¿Me quiero hacer una mastectomia pero no se si podre hacerlo porque nunca he tenido cancer o familiares con cáncer?
Saludos. Soy una joven de 18 anos que ya ha tenido cinco operaciones en los senos por quistes. Generalmente son fidroadenomas benignos, pero la ultima vez que tuve una biopsia, uno de ellos era un quiste distinto. Este quiste tenia un 90% de probabilidades de ser benigno, pero un 10% de ser cancer. Sin embargo, al hacerle la biopsia al quiste completo determinaron que no era canceroso. Ahora mismo estoy pasando por el mismo problema y tengo nuevamente este tipo de quiste. Ademas de este quiste tengo otros siete en mis senos, pero son mas pequeños y parecen ser "benignos." Quiero hacerme una mastectomia y removerme ambos senos para prevenir alguna posibilidad de tener cancer, ademas de que es muy tedioso y angustiante tener cirugias cada dos anos. He tratado de todo para disminuir la cantidad de quiste que tengo, pero simplemente mi cuerpo no para de producirlos. Sin embargo, no se si estas razones sean suficientes para obtener la mastectomia, ya que realmente no tengo antecedentes de familiares con cancer de mama en mi familia y nunca he sido diagnosticada con algo mas que estos dos tipos de quistes. Podria hacerme la mastectomia simplemente porque quiero hacerlo? O necesito tener una prueba BRCA1 y BRCA2 para determinar si es necesario?

»¿Las mujeres de senos muy grandes pueden dormir boca abajo...?
¿Las mujeres con senos de tamaño mediano o grandes pueden dormir boca abajo? ¿pueden dormir boca arriba? ¿o sólo pueden dormir de costado?

»¿me siento mal muy mal mentalmente?
bueno es que mis padre me dicen para salir a lugares y me invitan a salir y esas cosas , porque me ven que vivo todo el dia encerrado en mi casa, y tienen rason , pero aunque quiera salir mis miedos no me dejan , tengo miedo a salir solo , a morir, a tener nuevas esperiencias a todo.. en avsoluto , estuve trabajando con mi hermano y todo eso ablando con sus clientas tratando de ser sociable y eso , aver si puedo tener algun cambio , pero es que solo cuando ando con el ,me animo a salir y mis miedos y nervios se me van , pero la cosa es cuando quiero salir yo solo , mis miedos no me dejan y estos dias que no sali a trabajar con el han sido muy incomodos porque me siento solo y deprimido pensando en cosas queme puedan llegar apasar y me doy tanto asco que ya no se que hacer con migo mismo, nesecito ayuda!!

»¿skype gay 13 años?
Busco un ciber novio por skype, mi skype es sergiodj81 soy de complexion musculosa mido 1,69 Peso 55 kg si surge algo a lo mejor hacemos cositas... Si surge algo a lo mejor hago cositas...;)

»¿Tengo 13 años y quiero quitarme el bigote?
Hola, tengo 13 años y me sale mucho pelo y se ve que tengo mucho bigote, le pregunte a mi padre si puedo quitarmelo y me dijo que no porque seria peor, porque seria peor y que problemas podria tener eso, lo harias ?

»¿Estos podrían ser síntomas de primo infección por vih?
Bueno les cuento que me hice un tatuaje hace 7 semanas, he leído que el riesgo de infectarse de esta forma es nula. Cuando fui a tatuar a las 10 de la mañana, era el primero del dia, en este caso aunque la aguja fuera sido usada con otra persona ya no habría riesgo porque la aguja tiene mínimo horas sin usarse y el virus fuera del cuerpo no vive mucho tiempo, ahora los sintomas que tuve fueron: Estuve dos dias con fiebre y malestar general, fui al doctor y me diagnostico amebiasis, se me quito el malestar pero me quedo la fiebre por 1 dia mas y dolor de estomago por 3 dias. Se me quito y estuve una semana sin síntoma alguno. Luego de esa semana, estuve 1 dia con dolor en los huesos y fiebre, me duro solo una noche y al otro dia solo tenia fiebre que me sigue hasta hoy(2 dias con fiebre) ya me esta bajando, me salieron ronchas en las piernas con picazón que me duraron pocas horas. Fui al mismo doctor y me diagnostico "Chikungunya" un virus que anda por mi país. Agregare que las dos veces que fui dijo que tenia Ganglios inflamados aunque no se me notan y yo no logro sentirlos, en caso de que si los tenga deberían ser por las amebiasis(bacteria) y por la chikungunya(virus). Ustedes que piensan? Tiene que ver con VIH? Estoy muy angustiado

»¿La marihuana mata? Que es eso que llaman THC y para que sirve? Como se arma un pito?

»¿Había tenido un sueño normal,pero en el momento de despertar he notado un pinchazo muy fuerte en la cintura como si me clavaran una aguja?
Justo en el momento de despertarme,es como si me clavaran una aguja o como cuando me pincha el medico. En unos 5 minutos se me ha pasado,¿pero es normal?


Llevo una semana con un virus normal con catarro, fiebre, etc. Hace unos días la comida me empezó a saber un sabor insoportable, tambien tengo el mismo problema con la naríz, todo lo que tenga un olor fuerte huele al mismo mal olor, sea comida o no.. No puedo comer porque el sabor es horrible. NO me refiero a mal aliento, me refiero a el sabor de la comida y olores de cualquier cosa. Sé que no tiene que ver con limpieza dental porque tambien me pasa con la nariz, ni tampoco es la nariz, porque está debidamente aceada. Solo puedo comer algunas frutas porque todo lo demás me da asco por el olor.. ¿Alguien sabe qué está causando ésto? ¿O que puedo hacer para resolver ésto?

»¿ejercicios para el abdomen y los pechos?
A ver queria preguntar a ver si sabeis algunos ejercicios buenos para tener un abdomen plano y para agrandar los pechos (para tia todo) si me podeis decir los ejercios y decirme la duracion de cada ejercicio y tambien de cuantos dias o meses deberia realizarlo tambien por favor, y si hay algun alimento que lo ayudara me serviria de gran ayuda, muchas gracias. Besiness

»¿hola urgente tengo unos punticos rojos y blanco en el pene es decir el glandel?
Hola hace unas semana tenia picason en el glandel. Y lo tenia bien rojo con peste y vota un liquido blanco. Me lo empece a lavar e se me ahido el mal olor y vastante el erojecimiento pero me preocupa que al final. De a cabeza esta inflamada de color morado habece baja la inflmacion y eso pero bo me pica de me molesta cuando meo. Algien me puede ayudar a se me quedan unas estriits no se si eso se debe a la masturbacion

actualizado: 04/05/2024 14:40:59 (278/300)