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Consultas médicas del jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015/168  ver consultas medicas actuales

»¿que opinan de un hombre que tenga un solo testiculo?

»¿se fijan en los testiculos mujeres?

»¿Es normal tener un pequeño dolor en la punta del pene debido a exceso de sexo y masturbacion?
Estuve unos meses sin tener sexo en absoluto y en las ultimas semanas he tenido bastante, ademas de constante masturbacion. tambien usamos un aceite de coco un par de veces. Es normal que sienta este dolor algunos dias? Cuanto deberia durar??

»¿AYUDA URGENTE! 10 PUNTOS! Estoy desesperada?
Acabo de cumplir 14 años, y desde que empezo el ciclo escolar tengo una obsesion. Soy nueva en la escuela, voy en primero de secundaria, tengo amigos. Pero tengo una OBSESION ENORME por mi maestra de ingles. Deseo que sea mi madre, osea para mi es perfecta. Y esto me esta DESTROZANDO, porque siento que para ella soy como una alumna equis, pero yo la amo con toda mi vida. La verdad es que mi mama no me pone nada de atencion, se la pasa chateando con hombres y esto me destroza porque engaña a mi papa. Desde segundo de primaria eh visto pornografia, estoy manchada. Y enserio no saben cuantas veces eh tratado de limpiarme, de empezar de nuevo pero simplemente no puedo. No puedo demostrar mis sentimientos, soy muy prepotente. Y aparento como si nada pasara. Diario por las noches lloro, deseando que mi maestra fuera mi mama, deseando que me ame. Igual hago cuentas falsas para espiarla. Hoy llore y grite a tal grado que sentia que me iba a explotar la cabeza. Tengo problemas concentrandome y de conducta. ¿que puedo hacer? Me urge ayuda!! En verdad eh tenido ganas de SUICIDARME pero no tengo el valor. Enserio siempre me pregunto ¿que hice para merecer esto? Me da asco mi vida, yo me doy asco, tengo MUCHA ansiedad. Porfavor les ruego que me digan que puedo hacer!

»¿vida o muerte moretón extraño?
Hace como cuatro meses me pegiue en la rodilla, me salió costra y cuando se cayo quedo una especie de moretón el cual no se me quieta que es lo que me sucede ?

»¿tengo un problema que no tiene buelta a tras?
a mis 12 años cuando iba a la escuela tenia compañeros que me discriminaban por tener pelos en los brasos y piernas , a los 13 años en el liceo me seguia pasando lo mismo , asta que un dia no aguante mas y me afeite los brasos y las piernas , y en ese entonces no sabia que si te afeitabas los pelos salian mas y mas gruesos y grandes , y ahora a los 16 me arrepiento orriblemente porque paresco un hombre lobo y estoy mal por eso, y entonses ahy alguna solucion para volver a tener los pelos que tenia antes?? y no pelos de hombre lobo eh!!! ayyuddaaa!!

»¿tuve sexo anal y no me ha dejado de doler?
Comense a tener sexo anal desde septiembre y ya en noviembre no pude seguir por k me dolia demasiado siento mucha incomodidad y siento como si una pared anal me doliera mas k la otra al momento de defecar me duele mucho y hasta sangro gravemente esto me preocupa y no se k aser y si mi pareja medio mete el pene no seguimos por k m duele y lo dejamos de practicar .... espero respuestas ; gracias

»¿tengo 16 años y nose como hacerle:(?
Tengo con mi novia como 1 año 3 meses y nunca hemos tenido relaciones por que sus papas no la dejan salir nomas que a centros comerciales y ya y nose donde que ago? :(

»¿Como quitar el colorante para fondat de as mano?

»¿problemas mental?
tengo 16 , soy muy peludo , hay personas que piensan que tengo de 20 para arriba por tan peludo que soy , tengo mucha barba pelos en todo el cuerpo menos en las orejas y cara jaja , tengo muchos miedos que no me dejan tener una vida normal, por ejemplo: tener novia , juntarme con otros adolecentes de mi edad ,disfrutar mi vida sin pensar en los resultados malos,salir por hay con amigos y etc, pero yo soy diferente , vivo encerrado , tengo miedo de conocer a una mujer y que sepa lo peludo que soy y me deje o me rechace y muchos mas miedos, no soy virgen gracias a mi hermano que me llevo a un puticlub a hacerme hombre jaja y eso me a ayudado un poco en la sociabilidad , y gracias a la mujer del puticlub que me trato amablemente y no se fijo en mis pelos pude controlar un poco mi estado mental asia mis pelos , aunque se que a ella le importava solo la plata , fue la unica mujer que me iso sentir comodo y tranquilo con migo mismo y ese dia fue especial para mi , pero ahora eh empesado igual que antes con mi negatividad asia mi y no se que hacer!

»¿Por qué ando tan caliente últimamente?
Hola tengo 18 años y tengo relaciones desde los 13. Con el primero tuve relaciones aproximadamente un año en aquel entonces tenía el 22 y con el segundo casi 5 años. El primero fue equis no sabía coger muy bien el segundo me coge hermoso pero ya lo mande a la fregada por mujeriego el tiene 39.Y tuve sexo casual con un chavo de 21 solo 2 veces en octubre del año pasado. La tenía enorme y muy gruesa y cuando me iba entrando sentía hermosisimo tanto que en el momento sentía que lo amaba pero no sabía coger por lo mismo que no tiene tanta experiencia lo que sí es que yo le hice una chamba como me enseño mi ex el de 39 años . Ahora me anda pretendiendo uno de 30 tiene un hijo pero quiere una relación bien , apesar de que ya me pidió que hagamos el amor yo me he negado. Por favor no quiero que me digan que sí ya me pidió eso solo busca sexo porque eso es normal estamos en el 2015 así que espantados no quiero. Repito yo me he hecho la difícil hasta ahora tenemos 4 meses tratándonos. Pero últimamente ando muy caliente, yo no era así, el sexo a mi me valía sí lo tenía o no. Ahora me masturbo hasta orgasmearme. Pienso en el y me imagino teniendo sexo con el, siento que me estoy enamorando pero mi calentura está fuerte luego pienso y digo calmada tienes que hacerte la difícil aguantate las ganas y se me pasa. Ando muy caliente es normal? Ni la masturbada me calma. Que tengo?? Esto es de un mes para aca. Tiene que ver la alimentación o mi nueva relación? Besa y acaricia hermoso

»¿Quiero dientes mas largos!?
Deseo tener dientes mas largo, porque cuando sonrió tengo que ezforzarme, para poder mostrar mis dientes y e visto muchos famosos e incluso familiares que tiene dientes largos y no me gusta no poder salir bien en las fotos. E visto que sonrien grande simplemente y se ve bien. Me gustaría que me dieran una solución porfavor!??

»¿es malo masturbarse siendo virgen?

»¿es malo masturbarse siendo virgen?

»¿Tengo un buen tamaño de pene? Que opinan?

»¿mañana me me realizaran un estudio de sangre y orina y fume marihuana hace dos semanas. ¿ cuanto tarda salir de mi cuerpo si solo fume un cigarro y hace anos aue no lo hacia?

»¿que tan grave es el virus de papiloma humano?
Soy un hombre dr 18 años,fui al medico y me dijo que efectivamente tenia vph por una pequeña verruga que me salio en la base del pebe pero la vdd me lo dijo como si fuera algo normal que no tiene gravedad, solo me dijo mañana te quitamos la verruga y listo, lo mas normal del mundo, la vdd si quisiera saber que tan grave es y claramente como se transmite pq estoy hablando con alguien y no queria tener sexo por miedo a contagiarla, el me dijo que sin la verruga no hay problema, entonces quiero saber si puedo tener relaciones con ella tranquilamente, obviamente con condon y si existiria algun peligro de realizar oral, pues en estos momento loque quiero es protegerla a ella y saber como evitar el riesgo.

»¿ cual es el tamaño medio del pene?
Buenas tengo 18 años recien cumplidos y mi pene mide 17 cm aprox está bien? Que opinais?

Amigos fiebres del entrenamiento en gimnasio, que quieran hablar del tema dejen sus whtspp!

»¿Tengo colitis nerviosa y he dejado de comer ayuda!?
Tengo como 6 meses que solo desayuno avena en agua (un vaso), con un pan o galletas, una taza de gelatina, en la comida solo como medio plato de x comida (puede ser pollo, carne, arroz, sopa, caldos etc), y ceno lo mismo que el desayuno, a veces entre comidas una manzana (no diario), ya baje como 20 kilos, a la hora de la comida siempre me dan nauseas y no como hasta en la noche un par de galletas y ya. No como nada de grasas, ni chile, ni papitas, churritos etc, ni irritantes. No tomo medicamentos para la colitis ni para los nervios. ayudaa!!

»¿Como se quita la miopia con remedio casero?

»¿Podria morir si como mucha azucar?
hola no tengo ninguna enfermedad para que me prohíban cosas pero me podria morir repentinamente si consumo una altisima dosis de azucar :D ??? es solo una duda, no es que me quiera matar ni nada, y surgio la duda antes de tomarme un cafe porque le echo 2 cucharitas pequeñas de azucar y queria saber que pasa si me como toda el azucar del tazon, moriria al instante o tendria una muerte dolorosa???? 5 estrellas la mejor respuesta y un like a todos :D gracias por responder

»¿Como registro ami hijo sin consentimiento de su mama?

»¿Porque me molestan los lentes?
tengo 2 meses casi con los lentes y cuando me lo pongos para la pc me molestan mucho y me lo quito y descanso un poco la vista..

»¿Hola! Hace unos dos meses y medio me hice un piercing en la nariz. Todo perfecto hasta que hace cosa de un mes empezó a darme problemas.?
Se me ha formado como una bolita de carne roja sobre el piercing que en ocasiones se rellena de pus y en otras simplemente esta roja. El agujero no me duele, simplemente esta esa cosa ahi que queda super fea. Me lavo con agua y sal, otras veces con suero y en ocasiones me echo agua oxigenada o betadine. Hay alguna crema que ayude? la bolita se va o me quito el piercing? Espero respuestas gracias!

»¿hola buenas noches primera vez que consulto algo por este medio?
Me realizó esa ecografía hoy y pues me preocupa un poco los resultados, para que el especialista me de un diagnostico esta lejos la cita por favor alguien me puede colaborar y decirme que pasa? Muchas gracias ....

»¿Fume una hoja de papel solo 1 vez?
no se si me haga mucho dano porfavor ayudenme va a hacer la unica vez que lo are tengo miedo de que me pase muchas cosas

»¿En donde me recomiendan ir con un dermatologo o con un urologo en el DF?
lo que pasa es que me empezaron a salir unas tipo ampollas o ampulas no se al rededor de la corona del glande del pene y me quiero ir a checar y tengo una idea pero no estoy seguro y que es lo que me recomienda otro favor si saben cuanto cuesta una consulta mas o menos o si saben de uno y no tan caro por favor dejen me su informacion GRACIAS

»¿soy copa 38c....y tengo 12 años?
Hola tengo 12 años y soy copa 38c de brasier eso es normal...mis amigas me critican por eso :( y los niños me ofenden de que estoy bien bueno :'( Ayudenme es normal....

»¿Ayuda, no entiendo porque tengo acúfeno en el oído derecho?
Hace aproximadamente 7 meses, sentí que se me taponaron los oídos debido a la cera principalmente el derecho, a partir de ahí empecé a escuchar por primera vez un zumbido, tuve que recurrir al lavado de oídos porque mi oído derecho tenía mucha cera en el interior y las gotas no ayudaban y aproveche también en el izquierdo, sentí que desapareció el zumbido pero en la noche volvió pero con menos intensidad, fui donde el médico y me recetaron Vastarel y fue disminuyendo pero con el tiempo volvió el sonido y hoy en día todavía permanece, extrañamente no soy de estar expuesto a sonidos fuertes, prácticamente nunca voy a bares ni a conciertos, de ahí que no entiendo que podrá ser y soy una persona joven, tengo 23 años, algo que si es muy cierto es que produzco mucha cera en los oídos sobre todo en el derecho y la última vez que me realicé un lavado de oído fue a inicios del 2013, es decir 2 veces en los últimos 2 años. Gracias de anticipado por sus respuestas y consejos El sonido ha permanecido hasta hoy, pero con variaciones de intensidad, en el día prácticamente no se percibe, en la noche si, no es como que sea un sonido demasiado fuerte o que me afecte en las actividades diarias. Otro dato importante es que leído que ciertas bebidas como el café contribuyen a que se presente el sonido y creo que también la ansiedad, y yo soy una persona un poco ansiosa. Las últimas 2 lavados fueron en enero del 2013 y hace 7 meses.

»¿P ase unos meses note k me korria sin tokarme i duraba muy poko ******** ajundeme tengo la mora muy baja k debo de hacer ?? No mas pajas ?

»¿Cual ha sido la clave de la contencion del sida en Africa?
Creo que Africa ha sabido contener estadistica tanto o mejor el Sida que en los paises desarrollados. A pesar del elevado aumento demografico y casamientos tempranos que prueban una escasa planificacion familiar

»¿Dra. sonia descartamos vih?
dra. sonia , tengo un elisa 4 generacion a lso 29 dias no reactivo, una prueba combo anti p24 a lo 20 dias no reactivo y una prueba rapida de 48 dias no reactivo descartado?

»¿una dieta para adelgasar la pansa cual es tu mejor dita ke me darias?
Xfas me urje adelgasar no kiero estar gorda xfas te pido una reseta muy efectiva

»¿Practicar deporte si tienes fiebre?
Buenas...ayer tuve fiebre y estaba debilitado no podria ni levantarme del sofa fui al medico y me dijo que era gripe que venia una ola de gripe bueno me dieron pastillas y me dijo que estubiera en reposo hasta el lunes que no valla ala escuela y hoy me levante muy bien y sin fiebre despues d ayer tomar la pastilla ¿es malo practicar cualquier arte marcial o deporte asi? Un saludo...

»¿a mi pareja le da mucha tos el cigarrillo y quisieramos que no fumara mas?
El ya lleva mucho tiempo fumando desde que era un niño u adolescente hasta ahora que tiene 30 años pero en estos últimos meses tose mucho y yo le digo que es el cigarrillo tambien le digo que lo deje pero su respuesta es no puedo mi cuerpo me lo exige y ps yo quisiera saber un método para que el deje de fumar ..... espero me ayuden gracias

»¿Komo me puedo aser una circunsision cazera kon el kuxillo de hamon?? Doy seis streyas loko?

»¿abdominales AYUDAAAAA!!!!?
Como se ve en la foto mis abdominales estas "movidas" y no se porke y si se pueden poner en order . Y hacer que se vean mas .y los pechos poder engrosarlos .tengo 16 proximo para 17.

»¿diu posiblemente desplazado?
Hola, Me puse el diu hace 3 semanas y me dejaron los hilos sin cortar porque me dieron cita para un mes después para comprobar que está bien puesto. Me recomendaron no tener relaciones hasta que dejara de sangrar y así lo hice pero después sí que tuve aunque con cuidado porque al estar los hilos largos me daba miedo que los estirara y se moviera el diu. En alguna ocasión comprobé la.posición del diu notando los hilos que como están largos bajan hacia el exterior de la vagina aunque nunca llegué a notar donde acababan porque son muy finos y tampoco lo intenté demasiado. Ayer mientras me duchaba volví a comprobar y noté que asomaban unos milímetros por el exterior de la vagina (no de los labios, sino de la vagina en sí), esta vez sí que noté el final. Ahora me pregunto si se habrá descolocado o es que ya estaba así pero no me había percatado de que eran tan largos. Tengo cita el día 16 de febrero y no sé si llamar o esperar a la cita. La verdad es que no tengo molestias, aunque sí que tardé en dejar de sangrar unas dos semanas (aunque eran unas gotitas cada día) pero ya no sangro ni nada. Un saludo.

»¿Algún otro método para controlar la ansiedad?

»¿es lo mismo el cloruro de magnesio que el colageno de colnatur?
Vereis, yo quiero saber la diferencia entre el cloruro de magnesio, y el producto colnatur que se promociona como colageno para las articulaciones, hasta donde yo se el magnesio tiene una funcion igual o parecida.

»¿Puedo pasar mas de una semana sin hacer de briente, que hago?
Desde hace mucho, no voy al baño, la verdad, es que creo que nunca he ido diariamente, pero últimamente tiendo a su me duela la barriga y empiezo a preocuparme, podrían ayudarme? Vivo en España y no hay comida rara como la guayaba y esas comidas Gracias :)

»¿puede una persona daltonica ser controlador de trafico aereo?

»¿Mi amiga se autolesiona (se hace cortecitos en la muñeca) porque dice que le calma, ¿qué hago?
Mi amiga sufre de ansiedad y se autolesiona cortandose la piel de la muñeca hasta que se hace un poco de herida, dice que lo hace porque le calma pero yo me preocupo mucho, tengo miedo de que un dia se haga daño (se suicide). ¿Cómo la convenzo para que no lo haga? ¿Consejos para recomendarle que haga cuando necesita calmarse? Ejercicios de respiracion o lo que sea. Ayuda por favor

»Best orgasm ever?
On so I was reading online about how to get the best orgasm and I read that you should "move to the edge of your seat when your at your climax but I don't think I'm doing it right and what's going to happen when k do it right

»What to do for morning and night brushin as well as after eating food with braces?
I'm aware that I have to clean my teeth afterwards, but do I have to do the entire routine after Every meal? As in brush, use the pick thing, floss, rinse (listerine)? Looking at the paper it says to brush after every meal or rinse well with water, that would mean no flossing after every meal (also if anyone know an easy way to get the thread through the back teeth please share since I'm having trouble)... The paper also says to floss nightly after brushing; once again would yt be necessary to do so throughout the day? I'd prefer a medical opinion but any will do thank you ^.^

»Thumbs still itchy tingling after cold?
I Was out shoveling the other day my hands got red and cold it was 10 degrees out, but i went inside shortly after and theyre back to normal but tips of my thumbs are still itchy/tingling, why? they warmed up it was slightly painful but everything else is fine now other than tips of my thumbs with mild tingling and itchyness

»Weight help?
I eat clean and go to gym I just gained weight and I look slim than before I don't u understand what's going on And is charcoal pills helping me loose weight?

»When to go to dr for not being able to poop at night?
Last night I tried to poop at 11 but ended up tossing & turning til around 4am. I then ended up waking up at 8am. Very exhausted this has happened the past few days even weeks. I always end up taking bath room breaks during the day since I can't poop at night

»Spasms and stress?
I've noticed I've been having spams and normally I can control them when I'm at school but I started to have less control. And when I'm at home I want to just "spaz out" just to get it out of my system but it doesn't seem to go away. I've also missed my period, but have been experiencing cramps and abdominal pain. And sometimes when I walk around i noticed when I put the weight on my left leg it hurts going up to my back. I've been stressed lately so maybe my stress is linked to these symptoms.

»Do I have an eating disorder?
Im well aware that I don't have the best eating patterns, but it's getting so out of control. Last year(January) I started dieting and then by July I'd feel so guilty after my cheat day and id make myself throw up. That happens occasionally since I had my cheat day once a week. By summer I started binging everyday uncontrollably and I didn't really care about my weight because I didn't have a scale, so I gained almost everything that I lost but I didn't have any purge episodes, maybe some but not a lot. I started dieting again in October but then my diet was horrible and it made me depressed so I started restricting to 300-600 cals a day for a week or two then I'd binge for a day or two, and purge. I've been in this starve binge purge cycle since October and it's driving me insane, I hate it but I can never go back to eating normal because I fear food so much. Im typing this while binging after 9 days of restricting. Hopefully I'll try not to purge tonight. Anyways, I know all about starvation mood, and how bad my eating pattern is I've done a lot of research but I want to stop this and start being normal, im too afraid to gain weight so it's too difficult. Please don't tell me to see a therapist or anything I can't do that, trust me. and I have NOBODY to talk to. my family aren't understanding and my mom forces me to eat and she keeps telling me I will die and it makes me more depressed. I don't know what to do, I don't have any trust worthy friends either. literally nobody

»How many calories should i eat to recover from anorexia if i'm already at a healthy weight?
Hello! I'm a 15 year old girl and i have started recovering from anorexia. I'm 1,57 and i weigh 45 kg so i'm not really underweight. When i was restricting i'd eat arround 700-900 calories a day. Also my period has stopped. So how many calories should i eat? I'm constantly hungry but i'm scared that if i eat 2000+ calories i'll gain too much weight

»Anxiety Help?
I haven't been sleeping well the last couple months. And when I had to leave the place I love and go back home I began to shiver and have a hard time breathing and became extremely nauseous. Now before I have a presentation, I get extremely nervous to the extent that I start to crack my fingers, bite my finger nails and lips. And If I happened to make a mistake, I panic and began to cry. Im always scared of doing something wrong or failing at my attempt. I haven't enjoyed eating either because it's making me extremely bloated and nauseus. I've always been a perfectionist and it's extremely frustrating. Sometimes I have trouble turning my thoughts into words and experience word vommit. Sometimes I get so nervous for no reason and have a hard time talking and begin to fidget. It's really frustrating and I don't understand. I need your help. It has been becoming worse since 6th grade (I'm in 8th now). And like this year already I've panicked and cried in class like 4 times

»Hi, i just got circumcised (prepex method) about 2 weeks now but my wound seems to get worse every day. what can i do?

»Bologna Airport to Rapallo cheapest, fastest train?
Hi, me and my family (4 persons) would be arriving in Bologna on Monday 9th at 3pm. We would like to go to Rapallo as soon as possible, what are our cheapest, fastest options? Thanks Cheapest, fastest options excluding rental cars please?

»Cancer and diabetes are two common hereditary diseases.?

»How long does a man have to wait after ejactulation for the sperm to reproduce?

»Terrible diet losing weight?
For the last month My diet hasn't been the best. My grandmother has been very sick and I barely eat. I'll eat one unhealthy meal and drink water or juice for the rest of the day. Now that she has passed i haven't been eating at all mostly drinking (water and juice). I've lost about 5lbs this month which is good Ive been trying to lose weight lol. Is the weight going to just hit me one day? Or should I start doing small exercises to help keep the weight off?

»Soreness/ painful urination after rough masturbation with shower faucet?
I'm a 16-year old virgin. I just had a period the last couple of days. I've been masturbating for YEARS and doing it with the faucet for a few. I usually do it a couple times a week. I put my parts under the faucet and use one of those sample sized things of treséme shampoo with conditioner as lube. I have for the most part only used fingers but recently I tried the shampoo bottle. When I was putting it in it hurt on the part of your vag by your blatter (if you put your hand in Palm up and made the "come here" motion). I was going really slow but at one point I pushed it in too fast. It hurt, but not enough for me to stop and I figured it was my hymen breaking and thought it would fix itself since its a natural thing. I woke up this morning and I had to pee really bad so I went and had a normal amount of urine but after it hurt. It's burning in my urethral area. I'm on the toilet and I feel like I need to pee but everytime a dribble comes out it burns. Also sometimes when I'm on my period I will get into the postition under the faucet, let my vag fill with water, then squirt out the bloody water cause it makes me feel cleaner. 1. Is my ph messed up from the conditioner as lube, was the water and/or bottle too rough, is it an infection? 2. I don't want to go to a gyno unless I have to cause then I have to tell my mom. Should I wait a few days or go?

»My boob has been hurts for about a month now, and it got a little bigger then the right one now, and i have discharge from it once in a whil?
My boob has been hurting for about a month now, and it got a little bigger then my right now and I have discharge from it once in a while? What could be wrong

»When do you get cramps?
It's been almost 62 days since my first period. I know I'm supposed to be irregular but I think it's coming. I have zits on my chin and I never do. I also have some on my forehead. I have had diarrhea and gas for like the past week but my stomach never hurts. I have some light cramping in my lower abs about ever ten- twenty minutes since Tuesday ans it's thirsday now. Does it sound like I should be starting again soon?

»Do I have anxiety?
I haven't slept in nights on end. I feel like im not in my body... Please someone explain these symptoms

»Im a guy who has puffy nipples. How do i get rid of them.?

»Is it bad to eat shredded hash browns with spinach, bacon,turkey,cheese and and egg on top everyday.?

»I'm diabetic and I'm a very horny person but when I ejaculate its creamy is that normal?

»Running but not losing weight?
Okay, so I have been running for about 4 weeks, have been eating extremely clean, about 1200 calories a day, but I have actually gained a pound. What am I doing wrong?

»What the **** is wrong with me?
If I'm not satisfied with my friendships I get into relationships, if I'm not satisfied with them, I will talk to an ex behind their back (I don't see them) just talk or text to get some type of satisfaction, if i don't get it from my ex, then I am constantly switching apps from instagram to snapchat over and over again until I get some type of notification!!!! Why am I like this ?! Please no judgmental feedback

»Does this look like a staph infection or?
Do you think it will heal on its own with some antibacterial cream? I have been putting a bandaid on it so I dont mess with it. It started off a flesh colored lump that hurt. Now it is this with pain. I messed with it some, but I didnt rip it open or anthing. So the color has me worried a bit

»Would this body sound attractive to you?
weight around 105 lbs, bra size 30DD, Measurements 33-24.5-33.5

»How to get rid of bad acne?
I've had acne for nearly 10 years now, I'll admit it's died down but I do still get loads of spots. It's really messing with my confidence. I've tried two different forms of medicine, one was an antibiotic, another was a roll on liquid both prescribed by the doctor. The antibiotic one kinda worked, but it also made my vomit twice a day for the three weeks I took them. Are there any natural ways I can get rid of them? I use clean and clear face wash and moisturizer twice a day and exfoliate twice a week. What else can I do? Made me vomit*

»Do you think that the new old bald man haircut might work to curtail bad behavior in boys?
If you decided to do only that to a daughter, should some evil person at CPS be able to take your child from your home? Or are you the evil one trying to govern your family without any violence?

»Pain in theright buttock bone,near the backbone area causing my upper right leg to hurt when moving.?
Always, ALWAYS, after a day of a game of soccer, i feel that pain in my back buttock bone which cause my right leg to have difficulties in moving as it hurts my bone. I dont really know where the pain is coming from but its is mainly near my buttock bone near the back bone. however, the pain will be gone the next day. Sorry my english sucks:/

»I have acid reflux. Is lemon juice bad for me?

»How do I get rid of media 41 update?

»Does anyone know how to fall asleep faster?

»Do i have osteoid osteoma?
so i noticed that small unnoticeable lump on the upper left side on my forhead, it is very hard yet it causes no pain at all! i don't really know how long i've been having this but i am really wondering what can it be ? can it be an osteoid osteoma ? hopefully not :(

»Im 16 and Im bleeding through a tampon in an hour and a half!?
Im not sexually active, Ive had my period for 4 years and I don't have extremely bad cramps but their there. My mom had a tumour and almost bled to death when she was 45. Is this happening to me? Should I be worried? How can I reduce the bleeding? Please help! I already use the highest absorbency tampons available!

»Is This Likely Cancer?
Im 23 and i have a cold or flu and last night i had a nose bleed, it bled for a while and stopped, 12 hours later im stlll spitting up blood in spit and phlegm but nowhere near as bad as when i had the bleed, however the blood now is much darker red almost black. Is that normal or is it cancer, will i die?

»Safest thing to smoke?
I know its a really bad habit and it'll be hard for me to stop. I've smoked weed, cigarettes, and hookah. I'm just addicted to smoking. Does anyone know the safest thing to smoke would be? Just wondering for now until I can finally break the habit

Okay so I got my second holes done on my ears and my left one hasn't stopped hurting. When I look at it it doesn't look infected, but I just cleaned it and it (of course) hurts and it bled a little. It's kind of earitating (see what I did there) and I've never had a reaction to a certain pair of earrings. PLEASE HELPPPP!!!! I know I'm not allowed to take them out, but I need to know what to do to fix ittttt! Thanks :)

»Why does my eye experience a pinching sensation every time I blink?
If I pull my eyelid away from my eyeball, the pain is completely gone. My spouse checked my eyelid, nothing's there not any rocks or hair. The pain is driving me crazy.

»What is the average weight for a 13 year old?

»Will cold temperature kill a flu virus?
My one year old has the flu. She's been playing with her plastic blocks. It's 15 degrees here today. Will placing the Tupperware container of blocks outside for a few hours disinfect them, or perhaps overnight?

»Can teeth clenching and grinding cause headaches and if so, where?
I've randomly started frequent headaches. It started one morning when I had naseau and a stomach problem and I think I experienced my first migraine and I kept having reoccurring ones after that,. I think I had a sinus problem because my nose hurt too but not my cheeks. I have neck stiffness and pain and shoulder pain. I have also been really stressed and aalways grind my teeth. Well lately the headaches have moved to the side/back and I realized when I felt the pain I was clenching my jaw and I realized I have been. And my jaw hurts. So I've limited it to 3 problems. I think... 1. food intolerance. My grandma has celiac disease. And after I eat some foods I feel sick and have stomach stabbing pains, and cramps. and have to use the bathroom. I also get tired and depressed, and feel hot. even though im not. Cold hands/hot face. and my stomach feels lumpy and swollen. 2. Sinus issues/TMJ. 3. brain tumor. Lol im a hypochondriac, but you never know. I also thinks I have stomach cancer. So I might be thinking a little irrationally. Hopefully. please post your opinions. I will greatly appreciate it, Thank you. I'm also a 19 year old girl.

»Is it OK for me to drink this?
Hello im a teenage girl who is somewhat struggling with anorexia on and off for a couple of years. I go to school every day and do p e and I also take dance classes 2 nights a week for about 3 hours each. I don't eat lunch but I eat breakfast and dinner. Anyways I've been craving gatorade/powerade/propel/juice/flavored water recently but I'm scared to drink them because I've seen a lot of stuff online that says u should only drink them if you need them. And I don't know if I do enough activity to be able to drink them? I don't want it to make me fat if I drink it. :( please help.

»Constipation and small painful bumps near anus that is spreading.?
Please help because everything I'm reading says STDS which I know is not possible because I have only one sexual partner and he would never cheat. I have had very bad constipation for almost a week now. I'm starting to get that under control with prune juice and just recently starting using suppositories for the internal hemerroids. But about the same time my constipation started so did this rash like symptoms. They started out with three risen bumps and now have spread around my whole anal area and creep towards my vagina. I have been using witch hazel to keep it clean and some over the counter cream for the itching and burning. Please help and don't give me answers that include he's cheating, or you a "hoe", or anything that is joking. Thank you

»My p*nis tickles when it touches her pus*y and I lose the erection!?
I am 25, virgin and in a committed relationship for the past 3 years. I'll be marrying her soon. We've been into a lot of foreplay and have done a lot of things, except intercourse. I've tried doing it lately, but my p*nis tickles when it rubs around her pus*y and I lose the erection. I face a similar thing when she gives me a blowj*b. No matter how long and how much love we make, I am able to ejaculate only when she gives me a handj*b. Is this a problem? Should I be worried? Should I consult a sex therapist or is this just an individual thing and I should keep trying till I get at it, which I know I eventually will, but so far it's been weird.

»Is It Ok To Get Both Wisdom Teeth Pulled On The Same Day?
Hello I'm 16 years old an I'm about to get both of my wisdom teeth pulled bottom right and left is it a good idea to get both of them pulled on the same day? I'm a bit scared of the dentist by the way and this is the first time for me, is it safe? How long will my mouth be numb? How do I prevent dry sockets? Sorry for all the questions just really nervous.

»What are some of the foods that can make one become fat faster.?

»I am 13 years old and do 120 push-ups a day in sets of 30, is this OK?

»Why does my lower stomach area and on the lower abdomen hurt and a little on the sides?
I'm a male 18 years old and well lately I been getting this little pain in my lower section if my abdomen and I'm guessing it could be the colon or rectum idk but it feels like little stings and like if it was worn out and I do hold myself from going to the restroom for about some time because there is no restrooms where I work but yea I been going to do number 2 alot not diarrhea but normal feces but sometimes I struggle to go do number 2 my friend said it could be dangerous she had similar pains to mine but hers was because she said she was addicted to anal sex and idk those kind of stuff but i doesn't make sense because how would it bee the same its not like I ever put stuff up my rear end like her plus I'm not gay just clearing that up

»Why don't I have any emotions ?
I Just simply don't have feelings , when my aunt died (whom I used to love very much) I felt sad and cried,but not as sad as the others around me . when I watch real videos of people dying I feel nothing , like for example I watched the video of the jordanian pilot being burned alive (he's from my country btw) , and my sister started shouting JUST TURN IT OFF !! I started laughing I couldn't hold myself , I feel like a terrible person...people couldn't sleep and felt very sad and me ? I absolutely felt nothing. and when Gaza massacre happened and I saw all these pictures of dying kids I also didn't feel anything... so as you see nothing affects me , I also don't care about my future I don't care about anything..I'm numb , I'm a girl I'm supposed to be emotional lol so my question is , Do I need to see a psychiatrist ??

»Should I worry about this...?
I'm 16, and I've recently had a cold since the weekend and I've been home sick for about 3 days now. I noticed on Sunday that my foot started twitching, which made my big toe start to move back and forth and I am very used to twitches because I have anxiety issues.. But this is kind of freaking me out because ever since I got nervous about it, it's been happening all day every day since Sunday. Other places like my hands and calfs and arms have been twitching now and I'm assuming that's because I was freaking out about my foot. It's funny how once you worry about it.. It somehow starts to "spread". I was just wondering if this is anything I should be concerned about? I don't have any other symptoms and Im trying to keep in my head that if it was bad I would have other symptoms but it's too annoying to ignore. Please let me know if there's anything I should be worried about. Thanks!

»Is it true that breast massage removes toxins and helps with breast growth?
I'm asking this question on behalf of my friend, who wants to know the answer.

»Child stuck tongue to something has sligh indent to tongue and bleeding. How do we stop bleeding?

»Am I too thin?
I'm 15, and I am pretty thin. I have a 22 inch waist and 12 inch thighs. I really don't know what to do.

»Guys I am 16 yrs old and i had a boxer's fracture 1 month and 2 weeks ago.Yesterday i fell on my wrist.I think it broke?
Sooo i can move it well it hurts a bit and when i standon the wrist it hurts like a b**ch.What are the syptoms of a broken wrist and what to you think?it is broken?If you want any details write in comments Thanks very much for you time!

»Am I pooping to much?
Ok I have terrivle anxiety and I think I'm a hypochondriac so the past 2 days or so I seem to be pooping more than usual I usually poop 1 time a day but now it's 3 or 4 not runny but I'm scared because of this and it's green my mom said it's bexause I've been eating birthday cake everyday and then I had kale but still I don't have a stomah ache I don't feel nauseated or anything I do feel gasy can my aniety be making it worse ? Do I have some type off disease ?

»Do i caught a cold or flu?
Here are my symptoms: my throat hurts a bit, i started coughing a bit, i felt like vomiting, i had diarrhea, i'm feeling tired and like i dont have strength to move, is this a cold? This started from yesterday, i drank 2 pills, and i ate honey and still no effect? If this is a cold, any natural cures?

»Low TSH, HIGH TPA....Hypo Symptoms...Grave's disease?
I am also 6 months postpartum and have been diagnosed with endometriosis just this month. I have been having symptoms of a thyroid problem (extreme fatigue, muscle and joint aches/weakness, especially in extremeties, heart palpitations, suddenly have blurred vision, headaches). I am also about 50 lbs overweight. I have been previously diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. My TSH would indicate I have hyperthyroidism (less than .01), but my TPA is over 900. I also have a high Cardio CRP (over 7.0). My endo isn't giving me an official diagnosis, he just wants to keep testing me every 6 weeks. And idea what it could be? I was thinking Grave's Disease but then I read that TSI would be more than 140%. Here are my labs: THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES >900 IU/mL T4, FREE 1.3 ng/dL TSH <0.01 mIU/L T3, FREE 3.9 pg/mL TSI <89 % baseline

»What causes your hands to not get rid of soap residue after washing?
Every time I wash, a layer of soap will remain after rinsing (even if I rinse for 5 mins straight with only water) after drying its slightly sticky like left over soap. Is this normal? What causes this?

»How long do it take to get a devoice?

»3 working sets?
Is 2 warmup sets and then 3 working sets alright, or should I do another working set? I am doing it enough that if I did do another working set I wouldn't be able to do as many reps on the last set, Eg. currently 2 warmup sets and 3 working sets of 8 reps. If I added another working set my reps would decrease.

»Is masturbating once everyday healthy for a 17 year old? what i mean is does it effect my memorization for study? cause we study a lot?

»¿36 días de retraso menstrual y me hice el test el 30 de enero y me dio negativo.. que sera tengo? xq no me viene la regla.. :/?
Mi regla me vino el 30/11/2014 y me duro asta el 03/12/2014 y me tenia a haber llegado el 31/12/2014

»¿responderme por favor?
Quiero tener los pezones mas oscuros como puedo hacerlo,???????????????

»¿que cura las llamadas verrugas plantarias?
Son esas verrugas molestosas k salen en las plantas de los pies.

»¿Trauma con mi novia?
Bueno os explico chicos tengo 18 años, y mientra tenia relaciones con mi novia, mientras le penetraba me metio sus dedos por el ano... .__. , novme gusto nada y ahora estoy dolorido! Y ella no me deja meterle los.mios por el suyo? consejos u.u para el.escozor?

»¿herida con sangre dentro?
La herida esta asi porque la costra cuando se me formaba se me rompia asi hasta 3 veces, y ahora se ha quedado rara y con sangre dentro, ahora mismo esta como en la foto, ayuda de que puedo hacer para que quede lo mejor posible? Muchas gracias

»¿Duda Enfermedades Transimisión Sexual? ¿Alguien me puede responder? Lo necesito ya, doy 5 estrellas........................?
1-Si follas con tu padre sin condón ni nada (Hijo y Padre) ¿Puedes contraer algo? 2-Si follas sin condón y ninguna de las dos personas (Gay) tiene ninguna enfermedad venérea ¿Puedes contraer alguna?

me a salido un pelo en la frentee! no se porq pero era mas o menos de 6 cm no esq este muy abajo pero me preocupa soy chica por si necesitais saberlo ayudarme porfa estoy muy preocupada q puede ser??? me aburro q agooooooooooooooooooooooooooo XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

»¿Pasen números para formar grupo de whatsapp no importa el pais?

»¿Como puedo enfermar? gripe , fiebre lo que sea pero que me haga enfermar ayuda?
Quiero que me digáis métodos para enfermar hoy sufro bullyng en el colegio y no quiero ir ayuda.

»¿Que es neurociencia y educacion?

»¿k causa verrugas en las plantas de los pies aparte del vph?
Cuales mas son las causa de eso

»¿pueden salir verrugas plantarias osea en las plantas de los pies k no sea a causa de virus vph?
Puede ser ksalgan verrugas en los pies k no sea por el virus papiloma humano

»¿Cuanto tiempo durare con brackets?
Me pusieron Brackets hace una semana y entonces el problema de mis dientes no es tan grande, solo para arreglar la mordedura que tampoco es tan grande y juntar los dientes de alante que los tengo un poco separados. Que tiempo. más o menos estaré con brackets?

»¿como quitar las ancias de comer?
Osea es que como todo el dia , ???? como bien pero als 2 o3 horas quiero volver a comer y como como loca de aspisio todo lo que se me atraviese

»¿hola tengo casi 19 años no puedo tener relaciones sexuales por que eyaculo en 3minutos maximo que puedo aser?

»¿Tengo 18 años y quiero sabrer su opiñon?
Tengo un tamaño pequeño? (Siento si parece una asquerosidad que les muestre mi pene) gracias si me responden

»¿que opinan de alguien sin testiculos chicas se acostarian con el?

»¿hablar sobre sexo,pajas,tetas?
Tengo 14 años, dejen numeros de teléfono para hablar por whasap, skype o correo de porno, pajas y vídeos eróticos

»¿Me van a operar de fimosis, me pueden dar algún consejo para el postoperatorio de la operación.?
Mañana me operan de fimosis, me pueden dar algún consejo para llevar mejor el postoperatorio, la verdad es que estoy bastante nervioso con el tema.

»¿Cuanto tiempo debo dormir?
mido 1,79 soy normalito y adolescente, cuanto debo dormir?

»¿me salio una verruga en la planta del pie 10 puntos?
me salio ha 1 mes o mas y hace una semana empece tratamiento en casa con vencedor(acido silico) o como se escriba y hoy se me callo la parte de arriba y todavia quedo un pedazito me puse mas vencedor y no se si es malo que haya quedado o algo gracias

»¿Son normales los cambios de humor en la adolescencia?
Hola, tengo 13 años y desde hace un mes me siento como que todo me molesta mas, me pueden gastar una broma y me enfado, me lo tomo peor. Asi como que, lo que mas me preocupa es que a veces estoy triste sin saber por que y luego feliz otra vez. Es realmente muy molesto. ¿Alguien me puede decir si es normal esto? ¿cuanto siempo dura? o, ¿que puedo hacer para que se acabe lo antes posible o notarlo menos? Gracias

»¿soy muy alta si tengo 12 años y mido 1.80?

»¿fui al medico y..?
soy muy peludo y cuando la doctora vio mis pelos(en el cu.lo , piernas, estomago , sobacos y parte intima) , puso una cara muy pero muy extraña , como de asco o de como si ubiera visto a un monstruo o algo parecido , esa cara no mela podre sacar mas de mi mente, y cuando murmuraba con los otros doctores beia que me mirban y se reian, estoy muy avergonsado y incomodo no se que les pasa a las personas que me tratan diferente y me jugan y discriminan como soy, estoy cansado de todas las personas que me miran extraño y discriminan , uuf!

»¿Por qué todos los desodorantes me hacen daño a la piel?
Ya no sé qué hacer la verdad, cada tiempo debo cambiar de desodorante porque empiezan a perder su efecto y me provocan irritación y malos olores con mayor sudoración.... Creo ya he probado todos, y los hipoalergénicos no me controlan el mal olor y sudor... No se qué hacer, ni mi dermatóloga tampoco porque me da dado de todo : (

»¿Que tipo de bóxer usas y que tal la comodidad del amigo ahí ???

»¿Porque me hacen la vida imposible?
¿Porque se meten conmigo en la escuela y en wattshap? Buenas en el colegio menos pero por wattshap y en el cole me llaman feo doy asco,blandengue espagueti,cuerpo escombro muchisimos mas insultos y los otros igual todos contra mi yo soy artista marcial toda m vda y me autocontrolo mucho pero va a llegar un dia que no se que voy a hacer con eyos un dia te juro que les mato ¿que puedo hacer porque me llaman todo eso? Un saludo,ya estoy harto ¿que hago?;(

»¿como controlar la respiracion?
Estoy empezando a correr y tengo qur parar cada 3 min por que me a afisio muy rapido.

»¿me he colocado un tunel de de goma de 5 mm y s eme ha inchado el pomulo?
me coloque el tunel y en 2 dias se me empezo a inchar el pomulo y al tocarmelo me duele quiero saber si es normal o se me ha infectado y que temgo q hacer para desinfectarmelo gracias

»¿Tomo Primafen de 21 tabletas y quiero comenzar a tomar otra marca de pastillas anticonceptivas. ¿Alguien puede decirme cómo debo hacer?
Este mes yo empecé a tomar Primafen de 21 pastillas, empecé a tomarlas al quinto día tal como dicen las indicaciones. Las terminé el sábado 31 y debo empezar un nuevo blíster el día domingo 8. Pero quiero cambiarlas por unas de otra marca, quiero saber si debo empezar el nuevo paquete de pastillas el día domingo o el día de hoy que bajó mi menstruación.

»¿Se me curara la hipermetropia?
Hola, tengo 13 años y me diagnosticaron hipermetropia de 2 y 2.5 dioptrias (claro que yo no sabia que tenia eso) Llevo gafas para leer, escribir, mirar la tele, etc (lo que me dijo el oftalmologo) Quisiera saber si se me va a curar la hipermetropia, si me aumentara o si llevare gafas para toda la vida Saludos y gracias

»¿Cuánto aguanta los espermatozoides en morir al tocar el aire?

»If someone is 19 can they take man xanogen enhancement and if they can take it 1or 2 capsules daily?

»Can bi-polar and manic depression make you shoplift without knowing you are?

»Miracle diet that works, does it exist?

»Can being bi-polar with manic depression cause you to shoplift and not remembering why tou did it?

»What is the best way to loose weight fast by summer?
Im female and 15 years old. Im 5'1 and 161 pounds. I would really like to look good in summer and I was wondering if there any safe ways to do so. I would prefer specific eating plans and an exercise plan to help to the job!

»Should I go to the gym today?
I've been weight lifting and aerobic exercising (a combination of both for an hour) this week and now I ate a hamburger from Wendy's which had like 1090 calories and I'm thinking to go to the gym because I want to burn that off. I'm also with the flu and my thigh and but muscle are sore since I did leg excersises 2 days ago. I'm kinda wanna go because I think that if I don't, all those calories are gonna turn into fat since I'm trying to lose some weight. I'm not that fat I have 17% body fat but I think that if I don't go today the food I ate will turn into fat. Again, I'm kinda sick and sore, so if I don't go I hope those calories go into healing and not storing. I haven't eaten more than 2000 calories today, I guess this was like my cheat meal but I feel kind of uncomfortable knowing I ate a bunch of calories and I'm not gonna work out today. Should I go or if I dont, will it affect me? I'm gonna go back to my low carb diet tomorrow.

»How much weight should I be if I'm an athlete that is 5'6 and weighs 157?
Hello, I'm going to be playing Division 1 soccer and I am 5'6 and a half and I am still dieting. Recently lost 13 pounds. And I constantly work out and was wondering how much more weight I should lose and or how much I should weigh! Thank you!

»Can you feel your lymph nodes?
I am 25 years old, male, and thin (about 140 pounds 5'9''. For about a week or 2 I have been able to feel a couple lymph nodes just above my arm pit. I went to the doctor, he felt 1 said it was about 0.7 cm and told me that if you really poke around your body, you should be able to feel your lymph nodes in your neck and under your arms if you are thin. Does anyone else feel any lymph nodes anywhere in their body?? I mean can you feel your lymph nodes if they are NORMAL size??

»What is cancer?

»Correcting my posture?
I'm 16, female and my back is often sore. I've noticed that I also have poor posture (my shoulders slouched & my back arched with stomach forward) I told my mom before, and she just told me to sit/stand up straighter.. But I cant. Standing with correct posture is strenuous on my back. It doesn't work for me to just 'do it'. I don't like the way I stand, and I don't want it to get worse! I don't know how to fix my posture :/ also when standing/walking for a long time (like while at the mall) makes my back hurt a lot, which isn't good especially because I am only 16. What can I do??

»Isolation what would happen?
isolation? what would happen?Can a person who is used to crowded places and socialising get completely used to being completely alone and being in one room for the rest of there life with no contact what so ever what would happen to his mental state and just all round what would happen The person does get food Basically just like prison but not allowed out of there room and not allowed to see anyone at all What would happen ?

»How to live when no one cares about you?
why should I live when nobody cares for me

»I need detailed investigations for lung transplant?

»I am an extremely picky eater and need some ideas for lunches I can take to school.?
Foods I like -chicken strips/wings -plain chips -toast -grilled cheese -plain/chocolate chip bagels honestly I like very very few foods and would also like to lose weight so any suggestions would be very helpful

»How can me and my friend get over an emotional day ?

»Can i lose weight by eating a 600 calories a day?
if i have a one hundred calorie breakfast and a just vitamin water zero for lunch then just plain old dinner which could be anything, will i lose weight ?

»Does anyone else think it's ridiculous the Feds bar men from taking testosterone but not estrogen?

»Gestational Age?? is that when i had the sex to make the baby? PLEASE HELP!!?
Hi my last period was december 13th 2014 and it lasted 4 days and my cycles are usually 30 days or so. as of today (feb 5th) its been 7 weeks 5 days since my last period. I went for my first ultra sound 2 days ago and they said my gestation age is 7 weeks(7weeks today). im so confused does that mean i got pregnant only 5 days after my period had started?? Im really worried because me and my boyfriend broke up for a while and i had sex with someone else 6 days after the first day of my last period. We had sex 3 times that day but used a condom every time..i really dont think it broke but who knows! then me and my boyfriend got back together and we had sex 9 days after my period had started on dec 21st.. and then we didnt have sex untill the 29 and then again on the 31st. Me and my boyfriend never used condoms. Then i had sex again on january 4th with the same person I had mention before..we used a condom but it broke. and I found out i was pregnant January 12th. me and my boyfriend never used condoms. My due date is September 23d 2015. so my question is who would be the father ? im confused by the gestation date given to me..not even really sure what it means. I dont get CM when i ovulate so i have no idea when i ovulate. please dont judge me im just confused and need help and am so stressed over this! thanks

»How to grow glutes and not legs?
I already have big thighs Size 3 (hollister) But my butt is flat. How do I grow my butt and not my thighs I'm 110 lbs and 5 foot 3 inches

»I sized up from a 2G to a 0G with plugs they slide in both ear with a little bit of pain.?
My left ear is just fine. i toke out my plug on my right ear and it starting bleeding. So i cleaned it out and put it back in. Is bleeding normal sizing to a zero?

»Do you have to keep increasing your workout to stay toned?
I have heard that if you start working out you will gradually have to increase the intensity of your workout so that you can stay toned? Is this true? Now realize that I'm not at all looking to become super strong or body build, I just want to have a nice butt and thighs! Thanks!

»What is a healthy diet?
I need to gain weight but I want to gain weight in a healthy way... I weigh 90 lbs and I'm 5 feet 6" I run 5 mile twice a week.. Normally I eat a apple for breakfast A coulpe a crackers at lunch an just a notmal supper but what is a good way to eat healthy and gain some weight??

»Pain on my left side above hip?
For the past few days I've been constipated and either pooping once or none ( there were two days when I didn't poop at all) I'm sure I'm constipated and have been eating and peeing normally but i'm starting to get concerned. Aspirin is helping keep the pain away but I'm trying as much as possible not to take it because I know it ruins your kidneys. I think it's a gas-related pain that goes away and comes back. Maybe someone might know???? I really feel fine no fever, no chills, etc. Also, i'm gassy! I can't eat spicy foods like I normally can because of this gas issue. LOL I'm not in enough pain that I'll end up in the emergency room. Trying everything I can not to end up there. Also, I get acid reflux sometimes. Any help would be grateful. Thanks. :P I can't afford a doctor + I have no insurance hence why I'm trying not end up in the ER. I also have back pain

»Is it weird to wear a sweatshirt with sports tights to the gym? I lift- no cardio. - from a girl.?

»Are leg muscles used in a fight?
are legs muscles used in a fight? and what muscles are used when you are trying to push someone? people always try to push me and u'm trying to push them back aswell and sometimes big people get they advantage? what muslces should I build so I can resist people's pushes?

»Roommate has bi polar disorder but we have no money to take him any where for treatment. How can we help him?

»How to get hyper?
So I have a literature exam tomorrow and there is a **** ton of material which I have not covered yet. The problem is that it's 9:30 pm, I have the urge to go to sleep and my productivity has decreased by so much. Please suggest ways how I can stay awake !!! I really need to do good in this exam.

»Vapor pens. Good or bad?
Are vapor pens good or bad for you when you have asthma? My boyfriend has a vapor pen and I used to do it and it never bothered me, but now that its winter my asthma is acting up and I was wondering if doing the vapor pen would be bad right now with my asthma?

»My elbows pop really painfully whenever I try to do pushups. Why?

»What's wrong with my gums?
I had a cracker sore and the next night I woke up with that white thing and when I put pressure on it blood comes out from where the tooth is and it hurts

»Are these symptoms of irritable Bowel syndrome?
I've been feeling bloated for 8 weeks, it goes from my tummy all the way up to my throat. I've been thirsty all the time, drinking 4 or 5 liters of water everyday. I've been constipated, only pooping pebbles. Sometimes though I have diarrhea and sometimes althoug rare, I have a normal bowel movement. I also constantly have this feeling of having the urge to poop, but nothing comes out and it's 24/7.

»How can i pop my own cherry? how can i make it less painful? is there any stretches i can do to pop it?
I wanna have sex this weekend but im still a virgin, my cherry hasn't popped yet and i don't wanna bleed a lot and be gross while i having sex with this guy

»So i bought this gaming chair on dxracerdotcom and ive been having troubles with this chair alot lately?
at first there wasnt a problem but lately i felt unconfortable in the chair i couldnt sit in it for more then an hour my butt feels so sour the pain is unbareble when gaming i sit proberly with a good posture is anyone else having problems with the dxracer chair?

»Will I Bleed To Death?
I am 23 and i had a moderate nose bleed, it was bleeding bad, it stopped and now my nose is normal, i have a cold so i notice phleghm more and there is still blood in the phlegm, i mean its nearly a day later, its mostly normal colour (green) but there is dark reddish blood in it

»Is it a cold sore on my lip or irritation bump? Very confused!?
Ive been getting this bump on my lip since i was a teenager.. It happens mainly during cold weather and when my lips are very dry. I can always feel when im going to get the bump too. My boyfriend is being really annoying about saying that it is herpes, which is pissing me off! I remember having this as a child and my dad putting a warm washcloth on it and it going away, my moms gets it and so does my sister, and alot of people I know. Ive had it before being sexal activie! i really dont like being accused of having sometype of sexual transmitted disease. Also when I went for a checkup at my gyn for a pap smear, they said everything came back normal. So if anyone else gets this problem now and then please tell me what it its. The correct word for it.

»Am i Going to get taller.?
I'm 16 i just turned 16 in October and i been the same height since 4.28.13 (Because that's when my grandma drew a line of my height.) I am still 5'5 My dad is 5'7 my mom is 5'6. I'm a boy I took a height calculator it says by 21 ima be at least 5'7 or 5'8. I'm not fat or skinny i'm like healthy you can say i want to make it to 5'7 or higher. But i think my problem why im still the same height from 4.28.13 Because last year 9th grade year i wasn't getting enough sleep i usually got at least 5 hrs of sleep sometimes 3, 4, sometimes 2. And now im getting 7hrs of sleep now i feel way better rested now and ready for school im still passing with everything i need but is because what happen in 9th grade of my lack of sleep the reason im still 5'5??

»I Don't like to drink water, and I hardly do?
Well I'm 16 and ever since I remember I have never been a big water fan. I usually drink tea with no sugar, I just add honey and bam. But I always have chapped lips, and all. I seen that you are supposed to drink like 8 glasses of water a day. I can't do that! I can't even drink like 1 glass. How can I start drinking more water? It's becoming a health issue . I just don't like it :/

»Severe Cramps, Dizziness, Diarrhea, and Nausea During Period?
I'm 19 and I've always had very mild cramps on my period, but suddenly two years ago I started getting horrible cramps, dizziness, diarrhea, and the worst nausea ever. It only occurs on the first day of my period when my flow is the heaviest and then calms down afterwards. I really need to get this solved because it's hindering my class and work attendance having to take a day off every month.

»Why does my vagina have this tingling feeling?
After I have masturbated through rubbing I had this constant tingling sensation in my vagina for two weeks. Also I have chills in my thigh and lower back area after I have masturbated and it won't go away. Also there is some occasional pulsing in the vagina. I went to the doctor and he was sord of busy with the other patients who were after me so he didn't really explain and told me that it is because of the irritation of the clitoris. I'm afraid that it is something else like persistant genital disorder.

»Period Pain solutions?
Hi, I'm 15 and I just want to have a list of suggestions of how to feel pain free and comfortable on my period?

»I have bad lower back pain, can anyone help?
I am only 12, but I have lower back pain (Above the waist) and it is not caused by my period. I have it during school and it hurts I just thrash myself around. I took Advil once but it barely did anything. I have heard of those leg braces that push on a pressure point, but would this work for me? I know that those are meant for adhlts with some sort of condition, but could it help with my back pain?

»How can I build my self-esteem?
For as along as I can remember, I've had horrible self esteem. I'm a quiet and shy person, and that is something that I used to get picked on about, but I've gotten over it pretty much. I mean, I have days when I wish I wasnt soooo quiet, but its ok--im learning to embrace it. I hate the way I look. When I was younger epecially, I used to get called ugly a lot. It was never anything specific...I was just ugly. People would talk about me for no reason, whisper about me, call me ugly thinking that I didn't hear it but I did. It happened for years, especially in middle and elementary school, and it murdered my self confidence. I couldn't look anyone in the eyes because I was worried they thought I was ugly. I used to walk to class looking at the ground the entire time...I wished that I looked different. I didnt hate anything about my face specifically, but I wanted to be prettier. Now I walk with my head held high(im 17 now, first time I got made fun of for how I look was when I was around 3, and it kept happening)and I can look people in the eye, but I fake whatever little confidence I have...but I want to genuinely like myself, and I know no one can make me like myself. I've gotten random compliments from guys as im walking my dog, walking to the store, even a random guy in school said to me "wow, you're beautiful" It feels good for a little while, but the feeling is fleeting. I begin to think that they're just saying that, or just dont know what they're talking about. Help?;( Like today im feeling really down about feeling very insecure...and its the worst feeling :(

»I think I have a tooth/gum abscess help!?
It started like 5 or 4 days ago and my tooth have been really painful on at first and then i continue to feel pain in other spot near by like the jaw and the my tooth is not hurting but my jaw and neck is very much and it's abit hard to breath and my jaw feel like it's poofing out or swollen and I can't go to the dentist yet till about 2more days and is there any home remedy to cool this down a bit for the next 2 days? Btw I'm 16

»Will doctor be able to tell I'm a smoker from a regular blood test?
I'm getting a blood test tomorrow morning. I smoke a few cigarettes daily ,but I don't want my doctor to find out that I'm a smoker. The reason for that is I'm underage and I don't want my mum to find out. Now before you get to the "smoking is bad ,you should stop" line ,I'f like to tell you why I smoke. A very close friend of mine has committed suicide a few months ago and nothing helps me better than a cigarette. It might sound silly ,but really ,smoking calms me down. I have tried meditation ,I practice yoga regularly and am seeing a psychologist. However ,as I have mentioned before - cigarettes help me better than anything else I have tried. I know I'm not be doing the right thing hiding something like this from my mum ,but I will stop smoking whenever my therapy ,meditation and everything else starts helping. Please don't be mean. Thank you for your help.

»How long do you have to wait after taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen to donate blood?

»Period coming?
Okay I am 13 and 14 in June. I have had discharge for at least a year now and I am a 30A. And sometimes when people are talking to me I can't be bothered with them and I get so frustrated sometimes and I usually find myself crying over the stupidest things, and I have noticed that my lower stomache has grown a little and I dunno what that's about??? And when will I get my period P.S my mum had her period when she turned 13 and please don't say 'it will come soon enough' and 'be happy you don't have your yet'

»Dog coughing?
Have coughing. Took him to doctor about a month ago. No fever, still eating. Ask doc should I return if doesn't get better. Told me illness has to run it's course. He gave him antibiotics and cortisone. Still coughing after two months. No other animals are affected

»How to get second opinion in NY (hospital situation)?
The Internal Medicine doctor, is giving a run around for a second opinion, My mother who cannot talk for herself due to her stroke, needs a second opinion about her heart condition. We need her to go to a different hospital(see doctors outside of the current hospital), but this doctor is saying: "Talk to our wound specialist, and see if he ll allow a second opinion". What should we do? Thanks for the answers.

»I pulled a mole of off the back of my head. I didn't get it all the way off. What should I do?

»Can you take acids out of strawberries?

»Do I have tapeworms?!?
I have upper abdominal discomfort almost like a stomach flu-like symptom. It feels like it's cramping, I guess you could say, and I feel nauseous. I don't recall eating any foods that could've caused this besides some chicken I had yesterday (but seemed like it was properly cooked). I've had the same symptoms along with diarrhea about a month ago but it eventually went away. Could this just be bacteria of some sort or is there a possibility I have tapeworms?

»First time taking adderall... help?
So... after my boyfriend and I moved in together, I kind of realized how difficult it is for me to be motivated to do anything. Dishes stacked up, all of our clothes were dirty, stacks of pizza boxes. I attributed most of this to stress from moving into "my own house" and also to undiagnosed depression. After talking to the boyfriend about it, he pointed out that I seem to be ADD (he's been taking adderall for roughly 10 years to treat ADD) and he suggested I try taking adderall to see if it would help. The plan: I take 10mg twice a day (once on weekends) and keep at it for two weeks; I hear that's about how long it takes your body to adjust to the medication and a good point to really assess its value as a long-term solution. I?m on day 3 and doing good but getting frustrated because I feel less focused now than I was before adderall. Trying to put dishes away and end up rearranging all the cabinets. That sort of thing. Getting easily distracted from the things I?m trying to focus on (I have a list that I keep going back to when I realize I?m off track). Just? not sure what to do I guess. Will this get better after a couple weeks on the medication?

»Where do I go to recycle SHARPS?www longoaketownship comcast?
I have used Insulin needles that I don't know what to do with. Where do I recycle them?

»What is the substance that encapsulates ldl cholesterol?

»Is testosterone in Lipoderm better than Androgel?

»Are pinworms dangerous?
Hi this summer i felt this itchy or moving object feeling in my anus and i found out they were pinworms so i took the vermox treatment and it cured me in the first couple of days. However i forgot that i had to buy another bottle in the next 3 weeks so they came back, and back again after a month until it happened 3 times without using any medication. and now it came back and this time worse it started since monday it usually lasts 4 days My anus area is read and it hearts when i touch it. it s probably because im trying to get those worms out With my fingers. any way tell me if theres something unusal.

»Is it "normal" or weird to wear a black sweater (hoodie without the hood..?) with a pair of sports tights?
- also this is a girl i also forgot to mention this is meant for the gym? indoor gym? lifting

»Help I don't know if I'm seriously ill or not.?
4 days ago I randomly became sick while at school (I say randomly because it hit fast and unexpected), I came down with a fever and a slight stuffy nose, also one of my eyes had a bump on the inside of the lower eye lid, but it's been there for weeks. When I came home from school, I still had a developing fever but on the second day my head started getting these headaches that would come at any time that hurt very badly, along with these headaches, my neck hurts as well. It's only the back of my neck and stops at the beginning of my back and the bottom of my skull, its to the point where it's hard to turn my head or to walk around. I don't have a fever anymore, but my loss of appetite is concerning me. I have dropped 6 pounds in 4 days and it's not water weight, I've been staying hydrated. My body also tried throwing up today, but I haven't eaten enough to have anything. Is there anyone who has any possibilities of what it could be (is it serious or just a bad cold?) or does it sound serious enough to go to a doctor? Thank you!!!!

»Just coughed up thick glob of phlegm tinged with blood?
I'm 19 years old and I smoke. My chest has been bothering me the last few days, as it sometimes does being a smoker. Anyway I've had a sore throat since yesterday and this morning was coughing up some phlegm. For the most part it was totally normal, then I coughed up a small, thick, glob of yellowish brown phlegm with a little bit of blood in it. It was one solid chunk maybe the size of a quarter. It hasn't happened again since. Is this cause for alarm? I really want to quit so any advice with that would be great too. Thanks

»I got Nexplanon inserted on a Thur & had unprotected sex on Sat. I took last 4 pills of regular birth control, should I worry?

»¿Que me aconsejan?
Hola, tengo una contractura en el cuello desde hace mas de un año y voy al fisio y todo, pero no me hace nada, porque no noto mejoría, que me aconsejan?

»¿Como elimimar los callos de las manos?
Buenas, voy al gimnasio desde hace 1 mes y me han salido unos callos muy grandes y muchos se me han reventado, y no puedo hacer nada con las manos, me podrían decir como evitarlos y como eliminarlos? Utilizo guantes y todo, pero no lo consigo.

»¿Me ha dado por cortarme las muñecas, que hago para parar?
Veréis yo estoy bastante bein en mi vida ,tengo 15 años ,no tengo problenas en casa mas de los normales de todo el mundo. El caso es que hace unos días me puse a probar como se sentía cortarte superficialmente como los emos en las muñecas y la verdad me sentí muy relajada. Al día siguiente lo volví a hacer y decidí no volver a hacerlo porque como he dicho estoy sana mentalmente y en todos los aspectos y no lo veo como algo positivo. Sin embargo, el otro día un amigo se enfadó conmigo y necesitaba desahogarme y sentí la necesidad de cortarme y cogi unas tijeras y me raje ,como las otras veces y me encontraba muchísimo mejor, porque cuando pienso que me duele el brazo no pienso en nada mas y me relajo muchísimo y hoy he suspendido un examen y lo he vuelto a hacer y cada vez que me pasa algo malo no puedo evitar hacerlo ahora es como una dependencia que puedo hacer?!?! Que quede claro que no busco suicidar me para nada ni llamar la atención de nadie, solo lo escondo y lo hago porque me relaja nada mas. Mil gracias por leer<3

»¿Como enfermar necesito ayuda?
Quiero enfermar hoy rápido ayuda tengo motivos suficientes para querer enfermarme

»¿cuando me acuesto aboca arriba y me palpo el abdomen me duele la parte derecha de la pelvis que puede ser?
nunca he estado embarazada y quistes en los ovarios no tengo por que hace poco me ise una ecografia vaginal y no me salio nada me preocupa.. Ayudenme.

»¿Que les parece mi pene?
Soy un cuico tengo 18 y... Hice este post de nuevo por que el anterior me lo borraron lo siento :/ Quien tenga asco sensivilidad que se valla del post, solo quiero saber si mi pene tiene un tamaño adecuado y esta bien cuidado? Comenten porfabor? Criticas constructivas gracias :) Un saludo

»¿me siento humillado y sin dignidad?
Hoy me humille siento que perdí todo me siento muy mal, mi novia me término y yo la busqué tantas veces que volvimos, las cosas están bien pero me siento muy mal porque llore demasiado y lo peor es que me termino por tonterias, ella no es infiel es de casa pero es demasiado orgullosa, ayuda me siento muy mal pero no pienso terminarle, tengo miedo a que si vuelve a terminarme yo vuelva hacer lo mismo y vaya a buscarla por favor necesito ayuda me ODIO

»¿Dientes largos?
Hola, e visto que muchos famosos y familiares tiene dientes largitos y quisiera tenerlo asi, pero no se porque los tengo así. Mi odontólogo me dijo que si eran pequeños pero no me dio solución. Quiere decir que voy a quedar con mis dientes pequeño? Que puedo hacer para alargarlos, porfavor digan me. E leído algo y e descubierto es por la encía pero no es mi caso porque mis dientes estarían mas abajo. O si depronto les falta crecer? Tengo 14 años

»¿Es normal? o no tengo energía?
Soy sedentaria y casi nunca hago ejercicio pero soy delgada consumo entre 1000-1200 calorías y cuando me esfuerzo y hago ejercicio siento que me voy a desmayar y que me mareo mucho porque?

»¿Ayuda!! Por favor!! que me pasa?
Bueno resulta que antes tenía mucha condición en el ejercicio practicaba TAEKWONDO pero se me hizo aburrido y deje de ir y tengo como 1 año sin meterme a un deporte y desde ahí es raro muy raro que yo haga ejercicio.. Estoy delgada y de buen cuerpo algunos hasta me dicen que engorde más (13 años, peso 49, mido 1.67) Consumo entre 1000-1200 calorías por día pero soy sedentaria. Y cuando hago ejercicio NO TENGO ENERGIA simplemente me mareo y siento que me desmayo porque? :(

»¿Inmunocromatografia anti hiv 1/2, Sonia Me Luna Hada?
me hice la prueba al dia 86 del riesgo de contagio pero no puedo estar tranquilo en la pagina de cruz roja española dice que es sumamente raro que cambie el resultado osea que si puede? y ellos mismos me dicen que ya no cambia, no entiendo ya no quiero hacerme otro analisis de mhierdha

»¿es normal que el pene de mi amigo este curvado en forma de puente?
Hola tengo 14 años y mi mejor amigo(no soy yo ni soy gay)me ha contado que al empinarsela,se le empina en forma de puente.( asi pero de perfil,le mide lo mismo que ami pero ami recto y el normal eso? O deberia ir al medico, y tambien, va a poder tener relaciones sexuales en un futuro?gracias.

»¿Si me bebo un jarabe entero me muero?
tengo un TAOTOUS que esta recetado 8 mL por las noches, si me bebo todo el jarabe de una vez que es lo peor que me podria pasar?

»¿Alguien que me pueda dar un testimonio u opinion del suplemento TERMO TE FUSION PROLITE?
Tengo entendido que este producto es para adelgazar..alguien lo ha utilizado???!!!! Es bueno?? Es malo???

»¿A las chicas les gusta que el chico tenga el pene un poco curvo hacia abajo(con foto)..?
..........lo rechazarian?

»¿Como puedo conseguir zolpidem sin receta?

»¿La amargura me esta aislando?
Alguien puede prestarme un consejo o alguna idea para dejar mi amargura, ya he visitado al psicólogo, me ha tratado el psiquiatra, me han medicado y realmente lo que me hacen los medicamentos es doparme mas no dan solución a mi problema, esta situación está haciendo que le haga daño a los que amo, y me esta dejando solo, realmente no se que hacer o no se por que es el motivo de mi amargura. Es como si me dominará y no me déjese ser yo mismo, me controla, aveces pienso que me estoy enloqueciendo, por no poder dominar la amargura que me agobia. De ante mano GRACIAS

»¿Como sanar una cortada profunda?
hace como 28 horas que la tengo,nmide 7cm por 4 milimetros y me esta doliendo,tengo 12 años y la tengo porque me hice amiga de unos emos y me ofrecieron hacerla,yo no sabia de emos ,ya no me dejare hacer mas,lo prometo.quiero que se cure rapido y por cierto la tengo en el brazo izquierdo y me esta doliendo,cuando me la hicieron pude ver mi carne y ahora solo veo sangre seca,nadie de mi familia sabe,igual es en parte culpa mia pero no se que hacer,necesito que cierre en 2 dias xq ire a nadar y me la van a ver. gracias por su ayuda

»¿ayuda, hilo de semen seco tras la masturbacion?
Buenas, tengo 15 años y ayer me masturbe , todo fue normal pero a los dos minutos después de eyacular vi que salia de mi pene un poco de semen, lo fui a retirar y era como un hilo elástico de semen ya como seco que no se acababa y era algo molesto de retirar ya que estaba por dentro del pene. Hoy me a pasado lo mismo y estoy preocupado ya que es molesto y no se porque sera . les ha pasado alguna vez? Porque es? Es algo malo? ( empezó a tocarme pajas así como una semana y poco Jajajaja )

»¿pregunta prueba hiv?
estar tomando antibioticos como albedazol ,acetaminofen, o antidepresivos afectan un falso negativo en prueba elisa...

»¿Porque creen que si he estado enfermo por más de 2 años de diarreas muy seguido, no mejoro ni empeoro?
Será que estoy realmente enfermo del SII? Qué ninguna medicina para el me cura? O será que necesito ir al psiquiatra? Porque nunca he perdido peso o se me ha quitado el hambre!! Ni me da fiebre !! Nada pasa!! Sólo que mi calidad de vida ya no es buena!!! Gracias

»¿Llevo 2 años y medio con diarreas varias veces por semana?
No bajó de peso, no pierdo el apetito pero con nada me puedo quitar esta enfermedad será el SII??

»¿Por que algunas veces salen unas manchitas blancas en las uñas?

»¿Formas de masturbarse ?

»¿Formas de masturbarme en la ducha?

»¿Hola a todos,nose que me pasa en las piernas cuando me depilo?? como lo puedo solucionar?
yo me depilaba con maquina descartable pero se me irritaba mucho la piel, hace unos meses empeze a depilarme conn cera pero me quedan puntitos negro,en las dos piernas no en toda la pierna sino en una parte y se me encarnan muchos los pelos si fueran pocos no importa los sacon con la pinzita,pero son muchos no se que hacer!! quedan feos xq se notan muchos

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